Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Digital History


Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Department of History | Digital History | News | Job Vacancy: Research Associate (m/f/d) in the field of Research Software Engineering (RSE) - Deadline:10/25/23

Job Vacancy: Research Associate (m/f/d) in the field of Research Software Engineering (RSE) - Deadline:10/25/23

NFDI 4Memory is one of several interdisciplinary consortia within Germany that will jointly manage the creation of a long-term research data infrastructure (Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur, or "NFDI ") for the digital age with the goal of making research data systematically accessible, linked, interoperable, and, ultimately, (re-)usable in a sustainable and qualitative manner for scientific and scholarly communities in Germany and beyond. 

Within the framework of 4Memory, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and the Verband der Historiker und Historikerinnen Deutschlands (Association of Historians in Germany, VHD) jointly lead Task Area 5 "Data Culture". This Task Area aims at advancing the discourse on digital research data and computational methods in the field of history and, more broadly, the historically inclined humanities. We also explore the significance of datafication for our contemporary societies’ history-making, such as, for example, the current developments in the fields of machine learning and generative AI. Ultimately, we will contribute to the establishment of a strong data culture in our scholarly domain.

We are looking for someone to join our team at Task Area 5’s Methods Innovation Lab and Clio-online as a Research Software Engineer and we welcome applications from individuals who want to be actively and collaboratively involved in shaping the processes of datafication in the historical humanities at this exciting time.

Please refer to the official announcement for all relevant information on the job description and requirements:


Application deadline is 10/25/2023.


Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Department of History | Digital History | News | Data for History 2021: Modelling Time, Places, Agent

Data for History 2021: Modelling Time, Places, Agent

May 19 - June 30, 2021

Data 4 History Conference 2021


Annual conference of the Data for History Consortium,  an international community that aims to improve the interoperability of historical data on the semantic web. This year's conference will focus on current ideas and practices in modelling time, places and agents as historical data and aims to better understand their impact on the concrete historical research process. In all of this, particular emphasis will be put on the exchange within the community.



Due to the current situation surrounding the worldwide Sars-CoV-2 pandemic, the conference will take place exclusively online via the Airmeet platform. Registration and participation are free of charge. All interested parties are cordially invited. For information on the programme and abstracts, please visit the conference website.

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Department of History | Digital History | News | Anselm Küsters from Humboldt University of Berlin receives Otto Hahn Medal

Anselm Küsters from Humboldt University of Berlin receives Otto Hahn Medal

Since 1978, the Max Planck Society has annually awarded up to 30 young scientists for outstanding academic achievements related to their dissertations with the Otto Hahn Medal. Anselm Küsters, currently a postdoctoral researcher at the Chair of Digital History at Humboldt University of Berlin, was honored with this prestigious award for his work on "The Influence of Ordoliberalism on European Competition Law." His dissertation, titled "The Making and Unmaking of Ordoliberal Language: A Digital Conceptual History of European Competition Law," was developed at the Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory and was accepted by Goethe University Frankfurt in 2022.


Now, as part of his postdoctoral project, he is further developing the digital methods of Natural Language Processing introduced in his dissertation. This project explores the empirical relationship between technological change and public opinion at Humboldt University. The award ceremony took place on June 21 during the annual meeting of the Max Planck Society in Göttingen.


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