Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Department of History

Transcripts of Records

Transcripts of Records are not automatically issued at the Institute of History! This means that you must request a transcript before you leave the university.


How to request and receive your transcript:

  1. Successful participation in IfG courses is confirmed by the so-called ‘module sheets.’ In the last session you must bring these with you and have them signed and stamped by the lecturer. If you are writing an exam, you will have to note the grade and obtain the lecturer’s signature again at the bottom of the document. Transcripts can only be issued after all module sheets including grades have been submitted.
  2. Fill out the Transcript of Records form (docx file). Please save the file like this:  Surname, first name_Transcript-Semester

  3. Send the module sheets as a scan (PDF) and the transcript (docx file) by email to the student assistant of the Erasmus office (Kathrin Hansen) at Alternatively, you can hand in all documents personally at the Erasmus office or place them in the Erasmus mailbox on the 5th floor of the IfG building.
  4. Your transcript will be printed out at the Erasmus office, checked and then signed. Afterwards you can pick it up personally at the office or you can arrange by email that a scan or the original will be sent to you by post.


Corona Update: Please hand in all documents via email. Your transcript will be signed digitally and sent back to you via email.

Please note that the Erasmus coordinator of the IfG, Dr. Benjamin Conrad, is not responsible for issuing the transcript!