Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Department of History

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Department of History | Studying at Humboldt University

Studying at Humboldt University

History has become a very popular subject, because our students gain not just a historical perspective, but also many practical skills that will also be valuable in other fields. They learn intellectual independence and the confidence in knowing they can tackle any field of their choosing. History students are naturally curious and investigative.

Studying history opens up countless doors. Students of history are given an ethnological view of the world, a wide panorama of the potential diversity of people and cultures. They learn that all things are historical and, therefore, have the potential of becoming something different overnight.

If you’re interested in studying history at Humboldt-Universität, this site has all the most important information about the individual degree programmes at the Department of History (IfG), as well as a short list of information regarding your studies in general.


