Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Southeast European History



Einladung Tagung
Mapping Memories of Good Will

Conference, 06.12.2024, Berlin

The 20th century in Southeast Europe was characterised by severe conflicts, including the Balkan Wars, the two World Wars and the conflicts of the 1990s. However, despite this history characterised by violence and hostility, there are also numerous but little-noticed examples of inter-ethnic solidarity, shared achievements and peaceful coexistence. These positive collective memories are often subject to ‘conscious forgetting’ and are largely ignored in the public debate.

The MAPPING Memories of Good Will project, organised by our chair and the Federal Agency for Civic Education, is dedicated to closing this gap by investigating the mechanisms of activating positive cultures of remembrance. The focus is on the question of how inter-ethnic solidarity in South Eastern Europe can be strategically mobilised in order to promote a culture of peace. The conference sheds light on geographical and temporal conflict zones - such as the relations between Italy, Slovenia and Croatia, the dynamics between Bosnia, Croatia and Serbia or the relationship between Albania, Kosovo, North Macedonia and Greece - and places these in a broad historical context.
The project includes biographies of civic-minded personalities, innovative mediation formats and a creative laboratory for private history readings. The aim is to show new perspectives in dealing with the conflict-ridden past and to provide impetus for a future-oriented remembrance policy.

The conference will take place in the Senatssaal (Unter den Linden 6, 10117 Berlin) and participation is free of charge.

Further information can be found in this event flyer.

Here you will find the detailed programme and the registration form for the event.


Reordering Yugoslavia, Rethinking Europe:
A Transregional History of Yugoslav Wars and the Post-Cold War Order (1991-1995)

Workshop, 23-24 October 2024, Munich

The workshop ‘Reordering Yugoslavia, Rethinking Europe’ is dedicated to the transregional history of the Yugoslav Wars (1991-1995) and their significance for the European reorganisation after the Cold War. The focus is on international and national perspectives on the conflicts, the humanitarian interventions and the effects of the refugee movements on Europe. Scholars will shed light on the political, social and cultural dynamics of the post-Yugoslavian region and their influence on the formation of European identity. A public panel discussion will also address the long-term consequences of the war for European refugee policy.




Disputation of Thomas Porena

Colloquium, 21 October 2024, Berlin

Invitation to the disputation by Mr Thomas Porena on the topic: Displaced and reframed. The return of the Yugoslav DPs at the end of the Second World War.
The members of the doctoral committee are:

1st reviewer: Prof Dr Hannes Grandits
2nd reviewer: Prof. Dr Milan Ristović
Chairman: Prof Dr Torsten Hiltmann



Berliner Forschungskolloquium Südosteuropa.png
Book presentation Verginella & Ristović

Colloquium, 18 October 2024, Berlin

Marta Verginella presents her new book ‘Women, Nationalism, and Social Networks in the Habsburg Monarchy, 1848-1918’ as part of the Berlin Research Colloquium on Southeast Europe and in cooperation with the Southeast European Society. Marta Verginella is Professor of 19th Century History and Theory of History at the University of Ljubljana.

Milan Ristović presents his book: ‘Mussolini ante portas. Italijanski fašizam I jugoslovensko susedstvo (1919-1925)’ [Italian Fascism and the Yugoslav Neighbourhood Yugoslav Neighbourhood (1919-1925)]. Ristović is a professor of contemporary history at the University of Belgrade.




Disputation of Zeyne Bengisu Ertugrul

Colloquium, 08.10.2024, Paris

Announcement of the disputation of Mrs Zeyne Bengisu Ertugrul with the topic: ‘Preaching the Republic: Intellectuals and Popular Education in Post-Genocide Turkey (1930-1945)
The members of the doctoral committee are:
1st reviewer: Prof. Dr Hannes Grandits
2nd reviewer: Prof. Dr Marc Aymes


Further jury members:
Prof. Dr Ulrike Freitag, Free University of Berlin
Prof. Dr Hülya Adak, Free University of Berlin
Prof Dr Hans-Lukas Kieser, University of Newcastle, Australia
Prof. Dr Élise Massicard, Science Po, Paris

Further information can be found here.



Doctoral Workshop
Doctoral Workshop: Why socialism matters? Approaches to research of the political idea and the historical period

University of Pula, 28.-31.08.24, Pula

This year's workshop will shed light on the historical and current significance of socialism in politics, economics, culture and society. Since the 19th century, socialist thought and action has shaped global developments, combated social inequality and created new social dynamics. The aim of the doctoral summer school is to demonstrate the connection between socialist ideas, historical experiences and contemporary issues and to explain the relevance of their research for the past, present and future.

The Professorship of Southeast European History is the co-organiser of the Doctoral Summer School.

More information can be found at here.



Bild von Preisverleihung
Prof. Dr. Johannes Grandits and Prof. Dr. Heike Wieters (f.l.t.r.) and Prof. Dr. Niels Pinkwart, Vice President for Teaching and Studies (centre)
 Franziska Oschmann
Award for good teaching 2023

Humboldt Day of Teaching, 27.06.2024, Berlin

Prof. Dr Heike Wieters and Prof. Dr Johannes Grandits from the Institute of History received the HU's 2023 Award for Good Teaching on Humboldt Teaching Day on 27 June. The award was given for their joint seminar ‘How to do European History? Current approaches and controversies’, which they held together with colleagues from various partner universities in a hybrid format in the summer semester 2023.

The theme of the 2023 Award for Good Teaching was ‘International Teaching and Learning’. A total of 100 nominators took part and nominated 42 courses and 38 lecturers. From this ‘long list’, the faculties recommended 19 proposals to the jury for consideration. The award, which is endowed with 10,000 euros, is one of the most highly endowed prizes of its kind in Germany.

You can find the complete press release here.



Summer School: European History Master

Università Roma Tre, 17.-21.06.2024, Rome

This year's European History Summer School is being held at Roma Tre University in cooperation with Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and other European partner universities.

The programme begins with an introductory session and is dedicated to interreligious dialogue, with a special focus on Rome from a European perspective. The Tor Pignattara district will also be visited, as well as important religious institutions such as an Islamic cultural centre, a Hindu temple and a Bahá'í centre.

The participating students will also present their Master's theses. Thursday will be dedicated to the history of resistance in Rome during the German occupation. The programme concludes on Friday with a feedback session, which offers space for reflection and exchange.

You can find the full programme here.



History Fest 2024

History Fest, 03.-09.06.2024, Sarajevo

The History Fest 2024 is dedicated to the topic of ‘Integrations and Disintegrations in South-East Europe 1914-2024’. The focus is on historical and current processes of the disintegration of large states - such as the Habsburg and Ottoman Empires and Yugoslavia - as well as the emergence of new integrations. Questions on the role of anarchism and national movements, the 1974 constitution as a trigger for Yugoslavia's disintegration, the significance of the 1994 Washington Agreement and the 1984 Olympic Games in Sarajevo as integrative moments will be discussed.

This will be accompanied by academic lectures on topics such as the German and Italian occupation of Greece, Muslim history in the Balkans and railway construction in Bosnia. The festival also includes book presentations, student meetings and a conference on military history in Mostar. The aim is to draw attention to historical roots and the possibility of successful integration despite today's disintegration.

You can find the full programme here.



Foto von Gruppe
Photo: private photo
Excursion to Montenegro and Bosnien & Herzegowina

Study excursion, 28.05-04.06.24, MN and BiH

The excursion to Montenegro and Bosnia-Herzegovina from 28 May to 4 June 2024 gave 17 students the opportunity to explore key historical and cultural issues in the region. They explored topics such as religion in public spaces, the legacy of the Habsburg Empire, ancient remains and the complex memories of the partisans of the Second World War. The handling of Jewish history, national personalities and tourism development under socialism were also critically analysed.

The stops in Kotor, Cetinje, Mostar, Jablanica and Sarajevo provided profound insights into regional characteristics and the complexity of the recent history of the Balkan region. Discussions with experts, museum visits and encounters with students from other universities provided valuable impetus for the research work. The results of the excursion were incorporated into a jointly compiled reader, which summarises the diversity of topics and perspectives and represents an important contribution to the further examination of the history and culture of the Balkans.

In addition to the intensive work, we had an exciting time full of shared moments - including some nerve-wracking experiences, such as the bus journey that took us down the winding roads to Kotor.



Book presentation Buchczyk & lecture by Thaden

Colloquium, 17.05.2024, Berlin

Presentation of Magdalena Buchczyk's new book ‘Weaving Europe, crafting the museum. Textiles, history and ethnography at the Museum of European Cultures, Berlin’. Magdalena Buchczyk is a junior professor of social anthropology specialising in cultural expressions at the Institute for European Ethnology at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

Matthias Thaden will then give a lecture on the topic: ‘An excellent Hutsul, Gagauz, Ruthenian and Romanian collection for relatively little money’ Notes on the acquisition contexts of ethnographic objects from South-East Europe at the Museum of European Cultures in Berlin’. He is a research associate at the Museum of European Cultures (MEK) in Berlin.

You can find the invitation here.