An overview of the dissertation projects (as main supervisor H. Grandits) currently conducted at the Professorship can be found here.
Book Series: Balkanological Publications
The “Balkanologische Veröffentlichungen” series was established in 1979 by Norbert Reiter as a forum for the wide spectrum of research on the Balkans with particular consideration for works devoted to linguistic and literary studies. With volume 39 (2003) the profile of the series was changed. Abandoning the linguistic and literary research topics, the series has since then featured monographs and edited books about history, society and culture in the Balkans. The focus lies on historical, cultural, ethnological as well as social and cultural anthropological research. The series also has an international profile that allows authors to publish their work in German, English and French. The scope of the subjects covered ranges from political and social history on nationalism and research on ethnicity, minorities, gender, memory and commemoration to popular culture and everyday life, religion and educational history. (Details)
Book Series: Phantom Borders in Eastern Europe
The book series “Phantom Borders in Eastern Europe” publishes monographs and edited volumes which relate to the research network “Phantom Borders in East-Central Europe”. The series focuses is the no-longer existing borders that once again are being structured in different forms and with different intensities in the East European space. (Details)
Online Journal: Südosteuropäische Hefte
The Online Journal Südosteuropäische Hefte represents a forum forum for young scholars which do research on Southeastern Europe. The journal therefore publishes new results and informs about new projects primarily, but not exclusively of the German speaking Southeastern European Studies. At the same time, it offers a place for intellectual exchange and cooperative networking. Especially young scholars are invited to use the journal as a publishing opportunity. The exchange within the Südosteuropäische Hefte is a twofold. On the one hand, the journal explores the current research developments and tendencies on the southeastern European region, reflects upon research results, concepts and methods, and, having in mind the new generation of scholars, critically evaluates them. On the other hand, the journal offers the possibility to create new impulses, set new accents and shift existing perspectives in terms of contents and methods, which may be discussed in this journal. (Details)
Visiting Fellows:
An overview of our visiting fellows, who are associated with the Professorship since the summer semester of 2010, can be found here.
Current Externally Funded Project:
- Prof Dr Hannes Grandits is co-spokesperson for the project Reordering Yugoslavia, Rethinking Europe: A Transregional History of the Yugoslav Wars and the Post-Cold War Order (1991-1995) (2023/24-2026/27).
The project takes place in cooperation with the Leibniz Institute for Contemporary History and is funded by the Leibniz Association.
More information on the project can be found here.
Dr. Marija Vulesica is a member of the first cohort of Lecturers funded by the Alfred Landecker Foundation.
“We call it personality, but it´s actually a multi-layered figure. Hinko Gottlieb, Aleksandar Licht, Lavoslav Schick, Aleksa Klein. A Jewish-Croatian Collective Biography.”
In this project, Dr Marija Vulesica is dedicated to collective biographical research into the Holocaust, its pre- and post-history in the Independent State of Croatia.
You can find more information about the project here.
Here you can find a list of completed externally funded projects at the Professorship of Southeast European History.