Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Social and Economic History


Article in Docupedia-Zeitgeschichte - Felix Römer on wealth and inequality in German society 

In the article "Reichtum" Felix Römer writes together with Eva Maria Gajek about social science and historical wealth research.


Journal article in the Journal of Modern European History - Felix Römer on social justice after the 20th century

In his article "Social Justice after the 20th Century", Felix Römer writes about the epistemology of social justice in contemporary Europe. Among other things, he shows how international organisations and specialised institutions provide information on social inequality.


Newspaper article in the French business newspaper Les Echos - Alexander Nützenadel on the deindustrialisation of Germany

In the article "En Allemagne, l'inquiétante accumulation des plans sociaux", Alexander Nützenadel puts the current crisis in German industry and the accumulation of redundancy programmes into historical perspective.


Publication of the conference report "Afterlives of Empires: How Imperial Legacies Shaped European Integration"

The report on the Afterlives of Empire conference, which took place at the DHI in London from June 12-14, is now online. The conference was initiated by Heike Wieters and Alexander Nützenadel in order to conduct interdisciplinary research into the afterlives of empires in European integration. Author of the report is Tobias Scheib.


Alexander Nützenadel interviewed on the BR podcast “Alles Geschichte”

As a guest for the episode “Wachstum und Pleite - Die großen Strategien der Wirtschaftspolitik”, Alexander Nützenadel talks about Keynes' idea of state economic management, the beginning of monetarism and the history of German economic policy.


Paolo Bozzi is awarded the Marcello de Cecco prize in the Economics and the History of Institutions

He receives the prize for an unpublished work on the introduction of personal income tax in Italy.


100 Jahre Weltenergierat – Deutschland: Publication by Martin Münzel


In 1924, the “World Energy Conference” was founded, today's World Energy Council - Germany. As a non-governmental organization, it has been part of an international network for the discussion of global and long-term energy issues for 100 years. Together with Sebastian Panwitz, Maira Kusch and Carsten Rolle, Martin Münzel is one of the authors of a recently published book on the history of the World Energy Council.



Felix Römer on facticity in historical categorization: Article in the VHD

In his article for the Association of German Historians, Felix Römer reflects on the constructive nature of the analytical categories of race, class, and gender under the heading “Facticity and Historical Studies”. It is important to carefully historicize and contextualize the tension between sensitivity to external attributions and the need for stable analytical categories.


OPEC today - How much power does the oil cartel still have?

It has been more than 70 years since it was founded - the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, or OPEC for short. It dominated the news for weeks on end, especially in the 1970s. Nowadays, we hardly hear about it anymore. Nevertheless, it would be wrong to dismiss Opec as a toothless tiger. 

The interview features Alexander Nützenadel.


Conference: "Afterlives of Empire. How Imperial Legacies Shaped European Integration"

The conference takes place from June 12th-14th at DHI in London and is initiated by Heike Wieters and Alexander Nützenadel. It aims to explore the afterlives of Empires from a interdisciplinary and comparative perspective. Tonio Schwertner gives a presentation on a case study on the European Rubber Industry, Felix Römer discusses global inequality.


Podcast: Finance & History - Alexander Nützenadel on banking regulation


In his quantitative research, Alexander Nützenadel argues that banking regulation is a cyclical affair. He joins Carmen Hofmann to discuss the valuable lessons that today's regulators can learn from his findings.


Special issue on "Revolving Doors» – Manager in Politics and Politicians in Business"

with an introduction by Jan-Otmar Hesse and Alexander Nützenadel. Several articles make use of the phenomenon as an analytical instrument to investigate historical change in the relationship between economics and politics.


"Utopia": handbook article by Martin Lutz

For the Oxford Handbook of Thomas More's Utopia Martin Lutz examines More's economic themes in the light of current debates about moral economy.


Fraud. Interview with Laetitia Lenel, Deutschlandfunk

In the DLF program "Systemfragen" from January 04, 2024, DLF editor Stephanie Gebert interviews Laetitia Lenel about imposture and financial fraud in historical perspective. The program can be found here.


On the Transformation of Business Forecasting in the FAZ

In the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung of December 27, 2023, Laetitia Lenel traces the profound change in the methods and function of business forecasting in the 20th century. The article can be found here.


Nomination for Award in Teaching

The Bachelor's seminar "'Gastarbeiter' im 'Wirtschaftswunder': Eine Wirtschaftsgeschichte der Immigration nach Deutschland nach 1945" by Martin Lutz in the summer semester 2023 was nominated by students for the teaching award of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities.


New journal article by Laetitia Lenel, "The Introduction of the Electronic Computer and the End of Business Forecasting at the NBER"


The article was published in the December issue of the journal Œconomia. History, Methodology, Philosophy and can be found here.


New publication by Hansun Hsiung, Laetitia Lenel, and Anna-Maria Meister: Entangled Temporalities

In a Special Issue of the Journal of the History of Knowledge, the editors bring together a variety of contributions that explore knowledge production as the negotiation of entangled temporalities embedded in the materials, methods, and institutions of a variety of incongruous practitioners.

Handbook article by Martin Lutz: "Utopia and Moral Economy"

Martin Lutz's article appeared in the recently published Oxford Handbook of Thomas More's Utopia.


Book publication:

Inequality Knowledge. The Making of the Numbers about the Gap between Rich and Poor in Contemporary Britain by Felix Römer

In his recent publication, Felix Römer traces the making and the politics of statistical knowledge about economic inequality in the United Kingdom from the post-war era to the 1990s. Far from just a technical matter, inequality knowledge had far-reaching implications for key debates and the wider political culture in contemporary Britain.

Laetitia Lenel selected as one of Berlin's most important scholars by the Tagesspiegel

Find the article here.


Humboldt Prize for Nils Hauser

For his dissertation "Die Berliner Kriminalpolizei in den Jahren 1925 bis 1937 - Eine rechtshistorische Untersuchung der Wechselwirkung zwischen Polizei, Strafrecht und Kriminalpolizeipraxis" Nils Hauser is awarded the Humboldt Prize.



Review by Martin Lutz of S. Kokel's "Credit with All the World"

For H-Soz-Kult, Martin Lutz reviews Susanne Kokel's monograph on the relationship between religion and business in the context of a modern economy, examined through a case study of the Hernhüter Brüdergemeinde. Kokel explores the role of religiosity in influencing competitiveness.


Reassessing the Moral Economy - volume edited by Martin Lutz and Tanja Skambraks

The recently published volume "Reassessing the Moral Economy. Religion and Economic Ethics from Ancient Greece to the 20th Century" takes moral economy out of its container of modernity to assess its applicability in an epoch-spanning perspective from Ancient Greece to the twentieth century. As a prominent source of moral norms, religion is connected to the debate on moral economy. In the article "Leading a 'Simple' Life", Martin Lutz looks at the concept of simplicity to understand religion in the debate on moral economy as one prominent source of moral norms.


Call for reports!

The research project "Die Geschichte der Kinderkuren und Kindererholungsmaßnahmen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland zwischen 1945 und 1989" seeks contemporary witnesses. You can find further information here.


We congratulate Martin on the successful habilitation colloquium under the following title:
"Runter vom Gas? Westeuropäische Energieimporte aus der Sowjetunion und das Reagan-Embargo von 1981/82". It took place on Juli 19th 2023.


Interview with Alexander Nützenadel and Veronika Grimm: Reasons for the "economic miracle"
In Die Zeit, Alexander Nützenadel and Veronika Grimm talk about the reasons for the "economic miracle" and ways out of the crisis.


Otto-Hintze Prize for Laetitia Lenel

This year's Otto Hintze Nachwuchspreis, offered by the Michael and Claudia Bogolte Foundation, goes to Laetitia Lenel for her dissertation "The Hopeful Science. A Transatlantic History of Business Forecasting, 1920-1960".


Felix Römer receives the Erdmann Award
This year, the Association of Historians of Germany honors Felix Römer for his habilitation in contemporary history "Inequality Knowledge. The Making of the Numbers about the Gap between Rich and Poor in Contemporary Britain" with the Carl Erdmann Prize.


Economists as Storytellers? Article by Laetitia Lenel in History of Political Economy

In her contribution to the June 2023 special issue on "Narrative in Economics" of the journal History of Political Economy, Laetitia Lenel looks at the multiple roles of narratives in the work of the Research Department of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in the 1970s and 1980s and their effects. The article can be found here.


We congratulate Helge Pösche on the successful disputation of his dissertation!

The topic of his dissertation is "Claiming Social Rights. Courts in the (West) German Welfare State of the 20th Century".


Friedrich Lütge Prize for Laetitia Lenel

Laetitia Lenel was awarded the Friedrich Lütge Prize of the German Society for Social and Economic History for her outstanding dissertation on the history of business forecasting.


Laetitia Lenel at Anno PunktPunktPunkt

In episode 091 of the podcast Anno PunktPunktPunkt on current research in history, Laetitia Lenel shares her research on the transatlantic history of business forecasting.


Lutz double funnel for historical analysis

The "Lutz Double Funnel for Historical Analysis" tool helps students better narrow the topic and develop a stringent argument. 


Martin Lutz: article in "The European Experience"

Martin Lutz, Judit Klement, and Ander Permanyer published an article on the development of industrial capitalism in the 19th century with a focus on market conditions and business actors. "Entrepreneurs, Markets, and Companies in Modern History (ca. 1800–1900)" represents three case studies, showing the trade in tea and grain, and the development of the electric industry.


Tobias Scheib: blog post on the old-age provision in Italy
For a blog on the development of old-age provisions in the Federal Republic, Tobias Scheib sheds light on another important European player. The analysis focuses on the emergence and development of the Italian pension system since the late 19th century. It becomes clear that old-age provision has always been embedded in political and macroeconomic circumstances, which makes it interesting for studies beyond the narrowly defined topic.


Laetitia Lenel on the Crisis Discourse and the Role of Historiography
In an article for New Political Literature, Laetitia Lenel reviews Adam Tooze's "Shutdown" and Malte Thiessen's "Social History of the Corona Pandemic"- Therefore, she addresses the role of historiography in crisis discourse.

The full article can be found here.


Felix Römer has been accepted into the Heisenberg Programme

The Heisenberg Programme is intended to enable outstanding researchers who meet all the requirements for appointment to a long-term professorship to prepare for a senior academic role while continuing their research work.


Droysen Award for Laetitia Lenel

For her dissertation "The Hopeful Science. A Transatlantic History of Business Forecasting, 1920-1960" Laetitia Lenel was awarded the Johann-Gustav-Droysen Award of the Department of History Friends' Association.