Prof. Dr. Oksana Nagornaia
- Foto
- Name
- Prof. Dr. Oksana Nagornaia
- Status
- research assistant
- Institution
- Humboldt-Universität → Präsidium → Philosophische Fakultät → Institut für Geschichtswissenschaften → Geschichte Osteuropas
- Visiting address
- Friedrichstraße 191-193 , Room 5004A
- Phone number
- (030) 2093 70593
- Mailing address
- Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin
Research focus
Transnational History
Environmental History
Soviet Cultural Diplomacy during the Cold War
Prisoners of the WWI
Public History
1994-1999 Study at the Chelyabinsk State University, graduated with high honors, qualification "Historian; teacher of history"
1999-2001 Postgraduate studies at the Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University
Science qualification
2002 - Dissertation in Modern and Contemporary History "National Myth Tannenberg and the political culture of Germany (1914-1934)"
2011 Habilitation in Russian History “Russian prisoners of the First World War in Germany (1914-1922)”
Current Research Project: Environmental History of the WWI on the Eastern Front
The aim of this project is a reconstruction of the belligerent and toxic landscapes of the Eastern Front (e.g. Galicia) through the study of the extent of the war’s impact on the environment as well as by considering measures to reclaim the sites of World War I battles. The project uses as a starting point an understanding of the landscape as a natural space and environment that is at the same time an agent of historical processes, an object of human influence and a social construction. The impact of industrial warfare on the environment of Galicia is explored through the policy of "scorched earth", large-scale flooding projects, ruthless exploitation of natural resources of occupied territories, medicalisation of occupation practices. An important aspect of the research is the toxic legacy of the war in Eastern Europe, which set the trends of military and environmental policy in the interwar period. The research is carried out in informal co-operation with the University of Vienna.
Scholarships, grants, research projects
2023 – Alumni Fellowship of the Gerda-Henkel-Foundation “Militarised Environment in the Strategic, Medical and Technical Discourses of the Interbellum”
2021-2022 International research project “Great War and the Anthropocene: 'Imperial Debris' and Environmental Change in Central-Eastern Europe”, PI of Russian Researchers (
2021 DFG cooperation project of Bielefeld University and Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University within the framework of the research project "Transnational Subjectivities in Global Conflict: Individual Spaces and Communicative Networks during the 'Cold War' (1945-1991)".
2016-2018 Russian Science Foundation, head of collective project “Soviet Cultural Diplomacy in the Cold War (1945-1989)”
2015 Fellowship of the German Historical Institute in Moscow. Project “Soviet Cultural Diplomacy in the socialist’s camp”
2012, 2013 Young Eastern European Fellowship, Center for Contemporary History (Potsdam, Germany)
2011-2012 President's Program for the support of young scientists, head of collective project "The Great War in Russia and Germany: commemorative politics and cultural memory (1914-1941)”
2010 Visiting Researcher at the Humboldt University Berlin, project "East German students in the USSR in 1950-60-ies."
2004-2005 Fellowship of the Gerda-Henkel-Foundation «POWs of the WWI in the Russian public communication (1914-1925)»
Lectures and seminars on the topics: Museum’s pedagogic, Applied history, Historical didactics, Source research in history, Oral history, First World War and Russian society, History of the human rights
Organisation of international conferences and summer schools (since 2016)
2023 Workshop “Dis-/connecting the world: subjectivities, networks, and transcultural encounters across Cold war boundaries (Bielefeld)
2023 International Conference “Embattled nature: men and landscapes on the Eastern Front of WWI” (Vienna)
2022 Young Researchers Colloquium of the German-Russian Historical Commission “The collapse of the
Soviet Union and the end of the GDR as historical caesuras” (Duesseldorf)
2021 Lecture Series (online) "Cold War at First Hand: Individual Dimensions of Global Conflict" in partnership with the DHI Moscow and Bielefeld University
2021 Workshop for master students “Bringing the Past to Life: Concepts and Practices in Public History” (Yaroslavl) in partnership with the DHI Moscow and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation
2019 Young Researchers Colloquium of the German-Russian Historical Commission "History and the Present" in cooperation with HU-Berlin (Yaroslavl)
2018 International research conference “Socialist Cultural Diplomacy of the ХХth century: institutes, actors, discourses” (Moscow)
2019 DAAD Summer School for Russian and German Students "Applied History" (Yaroslavl)
2016 DAAD Summer School for Russian and German Students “Ethnopolitical Developments in Times of Globalisation: State, Region and Local Communities in the Post-Soviet Space” (Chelyabinsk)
Most important publications in German and English in last years
- Kerstin S. Jobst, Oksana Nagornaia, and Kerstin von Lingen. Embattled Nature: Soldiers, Civilians, and Landscapes on the Eastern Front of the Great War. An Introduction, in: Kerstin S. Jobst, Oksana Nagornaia, and Kerstin von Lingen (eds.) (2024) The Great War and the Anthropocene: Empire and Environment. Soldiers, Civilians, and Landscapes on the Eastern Front. Brill (in print)
- Nagornaia O. (2024) Animal Fighters, Animal Victims: The Animal Dimension on the Russian-Austrian Front of the First World War, in: Kerstin S. Jobst, Oksana Nagornaia, and Kerstin von Lingen (eds.) (2024) The Great War and the Anthropocene: Empire and Environment. Soldiers, Civilians, and Landscapes on the Eastern Front. Brill (in print)
- Nagornaia O. (2024) Okkupierte Umwelt: Natur und Räume Galiziens unter der russischen Besatzung im Ersten Weltkrieg, in: Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte. (in print)
- Nagornaia O. (2024) Russische Kriegsgefangene und deutsche Zivilbevölkerung im Ersten Weltkrieg: Kontakte hinter dem Stacheldraht, in: Esther Meier, Tanja Penter, Heike Winkel (Hg.). Kriegsgefangenschaft. Russländische und sowjetische Erfahrungen im 20. Jahrhundert (in print)
- Nagornaia O., Raeva T. (2023). Stalins »Kulturattachés«. Sowjetische Kulturdiplomatie im beginnenden Kalten Krieg // Kontrollregime und Stabilitätserwartungen im Spätsozialismus. Jahrbuch für Historische Kommunismusforschung. S. 45-60.
- Nagornaia O., von Lingen K. (2023). Conflict landscapes of the Great War: an interdisciplinary approach to the spatial and ecological dimension of military history, in: Quaestio Rossica. 11, № 2. P. 571–585. DOI 10.15826/qr.2023.2.806.
- Nagornaja O. (2023). Geschlechterspezifische Partizipationsmodelle in der sowjetischen Kulturdiplomatie des Kalten Krieges, in: Partizipation und geschlecht Handlungsspielräume von Frauen im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert/ G. Gumbel, G. Pieri, C. Schneider, S. Schraut. Stuttgart: Ulrike Helmer Verlag, 2023. S. 265-276.
- Nagornaja O. (2022). Wissenstransfer hinter der ideologischen Verpackung? Sowjetisch-kubanischer Ausbildungs- und Wissenschaftsaustausch im Zeichen des Kalten Krieges, in: Schulte-Beerbuehl M., Schnurmann C (Hrsg.). Wissenstransfer in globalgeschichtlicher Perspektive: Institutionen – Akteure – Medien. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag. S. 97–110.
- Golubinov Ya, Nagornaya O. (2022). Embattled nature: men and landscapes on the Eastern Front of WWI, in: Science, Technology, Environment and Medicine in Russia’s Great War and Revolution, 1914-1922. Anthony J. Heywood, Scott W. Palmer and Julia A. Lajus (eds.). Bloomington, Indiana : Slavica. Р. 333-351.
- Nagornaja O. (2019). „Nicht Freunde, nur Verbuendete“. Entante -Kriegsgefangene in deutschen Lagern, in: Kriegsgefangenschaft 1914-1919. Kollektive Erfahrung, kulturelles Leben, Regensburger Realitaet. Luebbers B., von Treskow I. (Hrsg.). Regensburg: Friedrich Pustet. S. 233–247.
- Nagornaja, O. (2019), Centenary (Russia), in: 1914-1918-online. International Encyclopedia of the First World War, ed. by Ute Daniel et al., issued by Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin 2019-09-26. DOI: 10.15463/ie1418.11407. Translated by: Kroeker, Joshua R.
- Nagornaia O. (2019). Russian Prisoners of War in the First World War: The Camp Experience and Attempted Integration into Revolutionary Society (1914–22), in: Military Affairs In Russia's Great War And Revolution, 1914-22. Book 1: Military Experiences. Laurie S. Stoff et al. (eds.). Slavica Publishers. P. 441-462.
- Nagornaya O. (2018). 2014: An Invented Anniversary? Museum Exhibitions on the First World War in Russia, in: The Long End of the First World War. Ruptures, Continuities and Memories. K. Bromber et al. (eds.). Frankfurt am Main, New York: Campus. P. 121-135
- Nagornaia O., Nikonova О. (2018). Sowjetische Kulturdiplomatie in Osteuropa in der Nachkriegszeit. Ein Überblick über die neuesten Veröffentlichungen, in: Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas. 66. № 2. S. 274-298