Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Social and Economic History

Dr. Helge Jonas Pösche

Curriculum Vitae and Publications
Dr. Helge Jonas Pösche
poescheh (at)

Humboldt-Universität → Präsidium → Philosophische Fakultät → Institut für Geschichtswissenschaften → Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte
Visiting address
Friedrichstraße 191-193 , Room 4005
Phone number
(030) 2093-70530
Mailing address
Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin


After completing his PhD project within the Berlin-based graduate school „Moral Economies of Modern Societies“, Helge is now taking part in a research project on Medical and Recreational Treatments for Children in "Kur" Facilities in the Federal Republic of Germany between 1945 and 1989. His research interests include the history of the welfare state and the interaction between individuals and the legal system in modern German history. Regarding methods and concepts, he is particularly interested in microhistory and historical praxeology as well as fruitful exchange between history and the social sciences.


Areas of Research and Teaching

Social History

Legal History

History of Welfare and Social Security

Modern German History



Research Project

Medical and Recreational Treatments for Children in "Kur" Facilities in the Federal Republic of Germany between 1945 and 1989



2017–2023:  PhD on the topic Claiming Social Rights. Social and Administrative Courts in the History of the Modern German Welfare State. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Alexander Nützenadel. (Handed in in October 2022, thesis defense scheduled for May 2023)

2020: Guest researcher at University of California Berkeley, USA

2014–2017: Master of Arts in Modern European History, Humboldt University Berlin

2010–2014:  Bachelor of Arts in History and Social Sciences, Humboldt University Berlin

2012/2013: Erasmus exchange at University College London, UK



Vierte stärkt dritte Gewalt. Presse und Justiz in Westdeutschland während der Nachkriegszeit, in: Beitl, Christoph/Meis, Daniel (eds.): Deutschsprachige Presseberichterstattung in der Nachkriegszeit des Zweiten Weltkriegs, Berlin 2021, 45-63.

Democratic Reform through War and Crisis? Britain 1914–1918, in: Carnival. The Journal of the International Students of History Association, 16/2015.

Die Rosenrevolution in Georgien – eine autoritäre Systemreproduktion?, in: Studentische Untersuchungen der Politikwissenschaft und Soziologie, 3/2011.

Josef Grohé – ein Gauleiter als "Held" der Familie, in: Geschichte in Köln, 58/2011.



Ein Recht auf Fürsorge? Juristische Konflikte zwischen Bürgern und Staat und der Wandel des westdeutschen Sozialstaats in den 1950er Jahren, 2018.

Co-Authorship of two contributions in: Hiroshima. Die Atombombe als Gegenstand der Globalgeschichte, hg. von Lutz Raphael und Jan Eckel, in: Zeitgeschichte-online, April 2017.


Curriculum Vitae and Publications