Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Department of History


ERASMUS Office at the History Department

Academic Erasmus Coordinator


Friedrichstraße 191, 10117 Berlin.
5th floor, room 5080
Tel.: 030/ 2093-

Office hours: t.b.a.


N.N. can help you with these questions:

  • Does Erasmus fit into my timetable?
  • Which university fits my profile?
  • Are foreign credits recognised?
  • General questions about the application, study abroad, and Erasmus documents and forms
  • How do I apply?
  • What are the language requirements?
  • How can I still apply after the deadline?
  • How can I finance my stay abroad?
  • Are there any remaining places?
  • Incoming Erasmus Students: Signing Erasmus related documents

The Learning Agreements can be sent by email; please use ‘Learning Agreement + Your Name’ as the email subject line.

Other Erasmus coordinators from other HU institutes

N.N. is to be indicated in the Online Learning Agreement as "Receiving Responsible Person"


Student Assistant

Kathrin Hansen

Friedrichstr. 191-193, 10117 Berlin.

4th floor, room 4011

Office hours: Monday and Thursday, 11 AM -12 PM


Kathrin can help you with these questions:

  • How do I write a letter of motivation?
  • How do I organise my stay abroad?

Further information on Erasmus and other exchange programmes at Humboldt-Universität can be found on the homepage of the International Office at



Erasmus Finance Representative

Nicola Lignitz


Nicola can help with the following questions:

  • Any question about the Grant Agreement
  • Do I qualify for the social top-up?
  • How do I apply for Green Travel?