Olena Pavlova, Ph.D.
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- Name
- Olena Pavlova Ph.D.
- Status
- wiss. Mitarb.
- olena.pavlova (at) hu-berlin.de
Curriculum Vitae
Since Oct 2022 Postdoctoral research fellow at Humboldt University, Department of History, Chair for the History of Eastern Europe
Sept 2011 –Sept 2022 Professor of Ethics, Aesthetics and Cultural Studies at the Taras Schevchenko National University of Kyiv
Sept 2003 – Aug 2011 Head of the Department of Culture Studies, Associate professor of the Department of Philosophy at the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences, Kyiv
Oct 2000- Sept 2003 PhD in Philosophy, Taras Schevchenko National University of Kyiv
Sep 1995 –May 2000 ВА, MA in Philosophy, Taras Schevchenko National University of Kyiv
My current project, entitled “Cultural History Approaches to War Perception in Ukraine” applies the method of case analysis for examining the operations of the Viber channel of Mariupol citizens during and after the siege of the city. A relational content analysis of text messages and meta-data of the channel was conducted. The resulting empirical material was conceptualized in basic models of participatory democracy. The Viber channel media community in wartime was examined in the context of the concepts of the natural state and the social contract. Special attention is given to the diversity of forms of ‘grassroots democracy’ and their forms of participation and war perception; to "networks of trust" in the context of the opposition of "democratization – de-democratization" (C. Tilly), and to the search for a "deliberation sense of community" (J. Bessette). Media channels in a certain way have balanced the state monopoly on television forced in wartime. In the situation of information warfare, control over freedom of speech is inevitable. However, when carried out by the state, it acts as censorship and an external vertical form of power. At the same time, the culture of vigilance as the community’s self-censorship is a form of horizontal communication and civil mobilization, which ultimately works for the democratization of socio-political processes in Ukraine.
Managing editor, "Ukrainian cultural studies" https://ucs.knu.ua/mainpage
Main Publications
Ontolohichnyi status estetychnoho dosvidu [The Ontological Status of Aesthetic Experience]. Kyiv: PARAPAN, 2008 (in Ukrainian).
Articles and Reviews
Images of the Holocaust tragedy in the National Memorial ‘Babyn Yar’ Center as a way for forming a space of cultural memory and perception” , in: Sophia. Human and Religious Studies Bulletin. 2 (2022), pp. 62–65.
Review of Oleksandr Hrytsenko’s book “Decommunization in Ukraine as a state policy and as a socio-cultural phenomenon” (2022). https://www.hsozkult.de/publicationreview/id/reb-128224?title=o-hrycenko-dekomunizacija-v-ukraini-jak-derzavna-politika-i-jak-sociokul-turne-javysce&recno=14&q=&sort=&fq=&total=19207
When visual practices were mediatized: The context of the signification mode of Modernism and the Classic culture industry, in: Ukrainian Cultural Studies. 2 (2022), pp. 67–71.
The role of understanding in aesthetic judgment in the context of classical aesthetics, in: Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University Journal. Philosophical Sciences. 1 (89), (2021), рр. 23–34.
М. Weber and Weberianism in the context of cultural research, in: Culture and modernity, 2 (2021), pp. 15–22.
Soviet and post-Soviet practices of Ukrainian society: The logic of organization, the specifics of functioning and transformation” , in: Post-Soviet discourses and practices: a collection of articles. Yerevan: Konrad Adenauer Foundation; Armenian Center for Humanitarian Studies. (2019), рр. 197–213.
Interaction specifics of the political and the comical in popular culture, in: International Journal of Slavic Studies. Instytut Filologii Polskiej na Wydziale Humanistycznym Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego, 1 (2019), pp. 99–108.
The political and technological potential of cultural practices in Ukrainian perspective, in: Ukrainian Policymaker. 2 (2018), pp. 20–26.
Cultural practices of the university: between discipline and discourse, in: Bulletin of the National Academy of Management of Culture and Arts. 4 (2017), pp. 3–8.
Taras Schevchenko National University of Kyiv:
„Cultural History”, 2011–2022
„Visual Anthropology”, 2019–2022
„Visual Practices and Communication”, 2016–2021
„Cultural Anthropology”, 2016–2021
„Philosophy and Culture of Postmodern”, 2014–2022
„Aesthetics”, 2011–2022
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences, Kyiv:
„Philosophy”, 2003–2011
„Cultural Studies”, 2003–201