Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Geschichte Osteuropas

PD Dr. Stefan B. Kirmse

PD Dr. Stefan B. Kirmse



Kurzvita  | Publikationen  |  Betreute Promotionen |Lehrerfahrung




2023/28 Principal Investigator des ERC Consolidator Grants und Projektleiter des Forschungsteams „In Pursuit of Legality and Justice: Minority Struggles in the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union”, ZMO Berlin

2017/18 Habilitation an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin in Neuerer und Neuester Geschichte

seit März 2016 Senior Research Fellow und Forschungskoordinator am Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient (ZMO), Berlin

2015/16 Foreign Visitor Fellow at the Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University, Sapporo/Japan

2014-2015 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter und Koordinator des Projektes "Diktaturen als alternative Ordnungen"

2013-2014 Wissenschaftlicher Koordinator des Sonderforschungsbereiches 640, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

2012/2013 Rechtskulturen-Fellow am Forum Transregionale Studien

2008-2012 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Sonderforschungsbereich 640, verantwortlich für die Vergleichseinheit Russland im Teilprojekt "Zeremonielle Pädagogik"

2003-2009 The School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), Universität London, Promotion (PhD) in Entwicklungswissenschaft (Development Studies)Titel der Doktorarbeit: "Youth in post-Soviet Central Asia: Transition, Globalization and Youth Culture in the Ferghana Valley"

2001-2003 St Antony’s College, Universität OxfordMaster of Philosophy (M.Phil.) in Russland- und Osteuropastudien(Kursinhalte: russische und sowjetische Geschichte; sowjetisches Mittelasien und Islam)Thema der Masterarbeit: Islamischer Radikalismus in Zentralasien, mit Auszeichnung bestanden

1999/2000 Gorky Institut, Moskau (Auslandsjahr; Teil des Bachelorstudiums)Schwerpunkte: Russische Politik und Geschichte; Geschichte des Kaukasus, Tschetschenienkonflikt

1997-2001 Universität von Dublin, Trinity CollegeB.A. in EuropawissenschaftSchwerpunkte: Russische und sowjetische Geschichte, Soziologie, Theorie des Nationalismus und (Post-) Kolonialismus, Geschichte Zentralasiens, Islamstudien

1996 Abitur an der Marienschule der Ursulinen, Bielefeld



Monographien und herausgegebene Schriften

(Hg.) Sonderheft „Soviet Central Asia: Beyond ‚Modernisation‘ and ‚Decolonisation‘“, in: Saeculum: Jahrbuch für Universalgeschichte 73, 2 (2023):

Империя законности: Юридические перемены и культурное разнообразие в позднеимперской России. Москва, Россия: НЛО, 2023.

The Lawful Empire. Legal Change and Cultural Diversity in Late Tsarist Russia. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2022 als Taschenbuch, Erstveröffentlichung als Gebundenes Buch 2019,

Youth and Globalization in Central Asia: Everyday Life between Religion, Media, and International Donors. Campus, Frankfurt und New York 2013,

(Hg.) One Law for All? Western models and local practices in (post-)imperial contexts. Campus, Frankfurt und New York 2012,

(Hg.) Sonderheft „Youth in the Former Soviet South: Everyday Lives between Experimentation and Regulation“, in: Central Asian Survey 29:4 (2010). Erschien auch als Buch in London: Routledge, 2011 (erneut gedruckt als Taschenbuch in 2016),


Im Peer-Review Verfahren veröffentlichte Artikel

Russian Imperial Borderlands, Georgian Jews, and the Struggle for „Justice“ and „Legality“. Blood Libel in Kutaisi, 1878-80, in: Central Asian Survey 43:2 (2024), S. 171-195,

Soviet Central Asia: Beyond „Modernisation“ and „Decolonisation“, in: Saeculum: Jahrbuch für Universalgeschichte 73, 2 (2023), S. 203-232.

“Internationalist Nation-Builders: Youth under Brezhnev in the Soviet South”, in: Europe-Asia Studies 74:7 (2022), S. 1254-1277,

„Territorial Organisation and Autonomy in Russian History”, ZMO Working Papers No. 34 (2022), pp. 1-13.

„In Defense of Land and Faith. Muslim Tatars between Confrontation and Accommodation in Late Imperial Russia“, in: Acta Slavica Iaponica, Jg. 40 (2020), 169-192.

Author-Critic Forum: Under Solomon's Throne: Uzbek Visions of Renewal in Osh, with Aisalkyn Botoeva, Ali Igmen, Morgan Liu & Marianne Kamp, in: Central Asian Survey 37: 1 (2018), S. 160-171.

Sleepy Side Alleys, Dead Ends, and the Perpetuation of Eurocentrism - Review Essay on The Oxford Handbook of the History of International Law, in: European Journal of International Law 25:1 (2014), 307-311,

Law and Interethnic Relations in the Russian Empire: The Tatar Riots of 1878 and their Judicial Aftermath, in: Ab Imperio 2013/4: S. 49-77,

Law and Empire in Late Tsarist Russia. Muslim Tatars Go to Court, in: Slavic Review 72:4 (Winter 2013), S. 778-801, .

Am Rande mittendrin: Globalisierte Jugend in Zentralasien, in: Osteuropa 63: 11-12 (November 2013), S. 197-208,

New Courts in Late Tsarist Russia. On Imperial Representation and Muslim Participation, in: Journal of Modern European History 11:2 (2013), S. 243-263.

"Law and Society" in Imperial Russia, InterDisciplines. Journal of History and Sociology 3:2 (Sonderausgabe zu “Law and Historiography: Contributions to a New Cultural History of Law”, 2012): 103-134,

In the marketplace for styles and identities: globalization and youth culture in southern Kyrgyzstan, in: Central Asian Survey 29:4 (2010), S. 389-403, .

Bridging the gap: the concept of 'youth' and the study of Central Asia and the Caucasus, in: Central Asian Survey 29:4 (2010), S. 381-387.

Leisure, business and fantasy worlds: exploring donor-funded “youth spaces” in southern Kyrgyzstan, in: Central Asian Survey 28:3 (2009), S. 289-301, .



Spatial Conceptions of Central Asia: A Historical Overview, in: Jakob Lempp und Sebastian Mayer (Hg.) Central Asia in a Multipolar World. SpringerNature, 2024, S. 19-36.

Linguistic and Cultural Diversity in the Legal Sphere: Insights from Late Imperial Russia, in: Peter Collin und Agustin Casagrande (Hg.) Law and Diversity. European and Latin American Experiences from a Legal Historical Perspective. Frankfurt: Max Planck Institut für Rechtsgeschichte und Rechtstheorie, 2023, S. 715-732.

„Centres and Peripheries in Early Modern Europe (1500-1800)“ (with Marie-Laure Legay), in: Jan Hansen, Jochen Hung, Jaroslav Ira, Judit Klement, Sylvain Lesage, Juan Luis Simal and Andrew Tompkins (Hrsg.) The European Experience. A Multi-Perspective History of Modern Europe, 1500–2000. Open Book Publishers 2022, S. 761-770.

„Empire and Colonialism in Early Modern History (1500-1800)“ (with Margarita Rodríguez and Remco Raben), in: Jan Hansen, Jochen Hung, Jaroslav Ira, Judit Klement, Sylvain Lesage, Juan Luis Simal and Andrew Tompkins (Hrsg.) The European Experience. A Multi-Perspective History of Modern Europe, 1500–2000. Open Book Publishers 2022, S. 297-305.

„State-building and Nationalism in Early Modern History (1500-1800)“ (with Maarten Prak and Roberto Quirós Rosado), in: Jan Hansen, Jochen Hung, Jaroslav Ira, Judit Klement, Sylvain Lesage, Juan Luis Simal and Andrew Tompkins (Hrsg.) The European Experience. A Multi-Perspective History of Modern Europe, 1500–2000. Open Book Publishers 2022, S. 262-273.

(Mitarbeit an) Feike Dietz, „Generations and Lifecycles in Early Modern History (1500-1800)“, in: Jan Hansen, Jochen Hung, Jaroslav Ira, Judit Klement, Sylvain Lesage, Juan Luis Simal and Andrew Tompkins (Hrsg.) The European Experience. A Multi-Perspective History of Modern Europe, 1500–2000. Open Book Publishers 2022, S. 793-800.

„Raumkonzepte von Zentralasien: Ein historischer Überblick“ in: Jakob Lempp/Sebastian Mayer/Alexander Brand (Hrsg.) Die politischen Systeme Zentralasiens. Interner Wandel, externe Akteure, regionale Kooperation. Springer VS: Wiesbaden 2020, S. 19-39.

„Youth in the Post-Soviet Space: Is the Central Asian Case Really so Different?“ in: Matthias Schwartz/Heike Winkel (Hrsg.) Eastern European Youth Cultures in a Global Context. Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke und New York 2016, S. 335-360.

Dealing with Crime in Late Tsarist Russia: Muslim Tatars and the Imperial Legal System, in: Stefan B. Kirmse (ed.) One Law for All? Western Models and Local Practices in (Post-) Imperial Contexts, Campus, Frankfurt und New York 2012.

‘Nested Globalization’ in Osh, Kyrgyzstan: Urban Youth Culture in a ‘Southern’ City, in T. Darieva, W. Kaschuba and M. Krebs (eds.) Urban Spaces after Socialism. Ethnographies of Public Places in Eurasian Cities, Campus, Frankfurt und New York 2011, 283-305,


Medienartikel und andere Publikationen

Podcast Justice & Minorities, Folge 1: „Khevsurs and Khevsureti. ‘Minorities’ in Imperial and Soviet Georgia“, hörbar über:

Der sowjetische Atomkult. In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 13. Oktober 2022, S. 32. Online Version:

Alleingelassen am Aralsee. Blutige Unruhen in Karakalpakstan. In: Der Tagesspiegel, Jg. 78, Nr. 24 970 (2. August 2022), Seite 21. Online Version:

Russlands Signal an Europa. In: Der Tagesspiegel, Jg. 77, Nr. 24 705 (2. November 2021), Seite 18. Online Version:

Von der Anfeindung zum Pogrom. Antisemitismus, die russische Revolution von 1905 und die Rolle der Polizei. Eine Warnung für heute. In: Der Tagesspiegel, Jg. 76,  Nr. 24 392 (15. Dezember 2020), Seite 20. Online Version:

Der russische Patient. Im Umgang mit der Corona-Pandemie macht Putins Russland eine sehr schlechte Figur. Schon 1892 zeigte sich das Zarenreich der Cholera kaum gewachsen. Die Grenzen der Staatsmacht offenbarten sich schon vor der Revolution. In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 22. Mai 2020, S. 8. Online Version:

Posts für den JUSTIMINO-Blog

 Zarin Katharina II. und die Grenzen der Toleranz. 250 Jahre Toleranzedikt, in: Hypotheses. In Pursuit of „Legality“ and „Justice“. Minority Struggles in the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union, 13. Juli 2023:

Posts für den Legal History Blog (alle Oktober 2020):

•    “Exploring law in the Russian Empire: Spatial and temporal choices”:

•    “Language matters. Studying legal history in the Russian Empire”:

•    “An archive‘s tale. Law and empire in tsarist Russia”:

•    “The Skariatin code. Legal history research on imperial Russia”:

•    "Into the future. Gender, sexuality, and minority matters in Russian imperial history":

“The Lawful Empire: Legal Change and Cultural Diversity in Late Imperial Russia”, in: TRAFO – Blog for Transregional Research, 08.04.2020,

Alle Macht nach Moskau? Der russische Föderalismus und das Beispiel Tatarstan', in: Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient (Hrsg.), Muslim Worlds - World of Islam? New Directions in Research (Berlin 2019), S. 71-76. Kurzversion in: Alle Macht nach Moskau? Der russische Föderalismus und das Beispiel Tatarstan, in: Zeitgeschichte-online, März 2018:

„Neurussland – Geschichte, Gegenwart und Vision", Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Dezember 2014. Erschienen in: Vision Europa 5/2014 (

“Boiling over. Kyrgyzstan’s ‘Tulip Revolution’ differs significantly from its Orange and Velvet counterparts”, in: Oxford Forum, issue 2, summer 2005, pp. 38-39.



Buchrezension zu Feldbrugge, Ferdinand. History of Law in Russia: From the Council Code (Ulozhenie) of Tsar Aleksei Mikhailovich of 1649 to the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 (Leiden 2022), in: The Russian Review 83:4 (2024), 649-650; DOI:

Buchrezension zu Riegg, Stephen Badalyan. Russia’s Entangled Embrace. The Tsarist Empire and the Armenians, 1801–1914 (Ithaca, NY, 2020), in: Connections. A Journal for Historians and Area Specialists, 15.04.2024, <>.

Buchrezension zu Hartley, Janet. The Volga. A History of Russia’s Greatest River (New Haven 2021), in: Europe-Asia Studies 74 (2022), 5, 872-873, DOI: 10.1080/09668136.2022.2083308

Buchrezension zu Rampton, Vanessa: Liberal Ideas in Tsarist Russia. From Catherine the Great to the Russian Revolution. Cambridge 2020, in: H-Soz-Kult, 02.12.2020,

Buchrezension zu O'Neill, Kelly: Claiming Crimea. A History of Catherine the Great’s Southern Empire. New Haven 2017, in: H-Soz-Kult, 05.02.2019,

Buchrezension zu Belge, Boris und Deuerlein, Martin (Hrsg.) Goldenes Zeitalter der Stagnation? Tübingen 2014 (2016).

Buchrezension zu Lohr, Eric. Russian Citizenship: From Empire to Soviet Union (Cambridge, MA und London 2012), in: Law and History Review 33 (2015), 1, 261-263,

Buchrezension zu Raleigh, Donald. Soviet Baby Boomers. An Oral History of Russia's Cold War Generation (Oxford 2012), in: Europe-Asia Studies 66 (2014), 5, 835-836,

Buchrezension zu LaPierre, Brian. Hooligans in Khrushchev’s Russia. Defining, Policing, and Producing Deviance during the Thaw (Madison 2012), in:

Buchrezension zu Radnitz, Scott. Weapons of the Wealthy: Predatory Regimes and Elite-Led Protests in Central Asia, in: Europe-Asia Studies 64 (2012), 2, 375-377, .

Buchrezension zu Yemelianova, Galina (Hrsg.). Radical Islam in the Former Soviet Union, London 2009 (2010),

Buchrezension zu Nethercott, Frances. Russian Legal Culture Before and After Communism. Criminal Justice, Politics and the Public Sphere, London 2007 (2009),



Kyrgyzstan: Southern discontent poses major challenges, Oxford Analytica, Russia/CIS Daily Brief, 29. April 2005.

Kyrgyzstan: corruption unlikely to disappear soon, Oxford Analytica, Russia/CIS Daily Brief, 22. Juni 2005.

Central Asia/US: soft rhetoric reveals policy dilemma, Oxford Analytica, Russia/CIS Daily Brief, 20. Oktober 2005. 


Vorträge (Auswahl)

Russian Colonialism, Georgian Jews and Blood Libel in Late Imperial Georgia, ERC Project Public Launch, ZMO Berlin, 7. November 2024

Across the Southern Border. Everyday International Encounters in the Ukrainian, Uzbek and Armenian SSRs, 1960-1980, Workshop „Beyond Moscow. Rethinking the International/ Transnational Dimensions of the Soviet Republics“, Università di Napoli L’Orientale, 28. September 2023.

Imperial Borderlands, Anti-Semitism, and the Struggle for ‘Justice’ and ‘Legality’: Blood Libel in a Georgian Village, 1878-80, Yad Ben-Zvi Institute, Jerusalem, 1. Februar 2023.

„Jugend in der Breschnew-Zeit: Internationalismus und Nationalismus im sowjetischen Süden“, Colloquium „Neuere Forschungen zur Osteuropäischen Geschichte“, Eberhard-Karls Universität Tübingen, 4. Juli 2022

"Culture on Trial. Ritual Murder, Legality, and Justice in Late Imperial Russia", ZMO Workshop "Struggles for Justice, Past and Present. A Translocal Perspective", Berlin, 17. September 2021.

Buchvorstellung und -besprechung zu "The Lawful Empire". Higher School of Economics, St. Petersburg, Center for Historical Research, “Boundaries of History” Forschungsseminar, 4. März 2021.

„Die Revolution von 1905, anti-Jüdische Pogrome und der zarische 'Rechtsstaat' in der Schwarzmeerregion“, Forschungscolloquium von Prof. Dr. Oliver Janz, Freie Universität Berlin, 7.7.2020.

(Keynote) Mobilization for and against the Soviet Regime, 27. Februar 2020, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Jena; Konferenz “Youngsters’ Movements in Peripheralized Regions”

“Socialist Youth in the Soviet South. Between Mass Mobilization, Nationalism, and the Outside World”, workshop at Princeton University, "From Totalitarian to Authoritarian Rule: Comparing Dictatorships in Transition", Princeton NJ, USA, 10 March 2019

"Comparing Imperial Borderlands. Law and Governance in Late 19th Century Crimea and Kazan”, Central Eurasian Studies Society (CESS) 19th Annual Conference, University of Pittsburgh, USA, 26 October 2018

In Defense of Land and Faith: Rebellious Tatars Encountering State Officials in Late-Nineteenth Century Crimea and Kazan, 7 October 2017, University of Washington, Seattle, 18th Annual Conference of the Central Eurasian Studies Society.

The Lawful Empire. Legal Change and Cultural Diversity in Late Imperial Russia, 3 October 2017, University of Oregon, Eugene.

Muslim Rebellion in the Russian Empire. On the Power of Governors and the Ambiguities of the Late Imperial Rechtsstaat. State of Exception/ Ausnahmezustand: Joint Princeton University and Humboldt University workshop. Berlin, 11 June 2016.

A View from Russia's Borderlands: Potentials and Limits of Studying 19th-Century Legal Texts and Culture, Sapporo/Japan; symposium dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Slavic-Eurasian Research Center (SRC) of Hokkaido University, 10 December 2015.

Politics of Memory in Central Asia and the Caucasus, Tiblisi/Georgia; invited by Deutscher Volkshochschul-Verband (DVV) International and the Bundesstiftung zur Aufarbeitung der SED-Dikatur.

Gleiches Recht für alle? Muslime im späten Zarenreich, Vortrag am Lehrstuhl für Neuere und Neueste Geschichte mit dem Schwerpunkt der Geschichte Osteuropas, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, 18. Dezember 2014.

Similarities and Differences between Young People's Lives in Central Asia,
"Youth in Kazakhstan" conference, Institute for European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies, The George Washington University, Washington D.C., 21 April 2014.

Between Integration and Conflict: Muslim Tatars in Late Nineteenth-Century Russia, BASEES Annual Conference, Cambridge, UK, April 2014.

The Eurocentric Risk in the History of International Law, International Symposium, Humboldt University, 1 February 2013.

Why the Law is Wrong: A Comparative (and Controversial) Discussion, Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, “Rechtskulturen”, 10 December 2012.

Police, Peasants, Property: Contested Territories and Legal Spaces in Late Imperial Russia, Quebec Network for Slavic Studies, Annual Conference, Montreal, Canada, May 2012.

Violence, Trials and Justice: Tatar Peasants and the Kazan Uprising of 1879, ASEEES Annual Conference, Washington D.C., November 2011.

Law and Empire in Late Tsarist Russia: Tatars Go to Court, American Association for the Study of Nationalities (ASN) Conference, Columbia University, New York, 16 April 2011.

Muslime vor Gericht: Tatarische Bauern und Russisches Recht, Januar 2010, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Lehrstuhl Geschichte Osteuropas.

At the “Marketplace for Styles and Identities”: Youth between Transition, Globalization and Youth Culture in Southern Kyrgyzstan, October 2009, Annual Conference of the Central Eurasian Studies Society (CESS), University of Toronto, Canada.

Looking North? Urban Youth Practices in a “Southern” City, September 2009, Workshop “Urban Spaces: Caucasian Places: Transformations in Capital Cities”, Tbilisi State University, Institute for History and Ethnology, Georgia.

The Students of Osh and the Colonization of the New Associative Sphere, 
Dezember 2008, „The Transnationalization of Central Asia“, 
Konferenz an der L’Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris.

Post-Soviet Youth in a Globalizing World, 
November 2006, Universität von St Andrews, Konferenz des Central Asian Research Network.

Re-Islamization among the Students of Osh (Kyrgyz Republic), 
Oktober 2005, Konferenz der Central Eurasian Studies Society, Universität Boston, USA.

Islamic Radicalism in Central Asia: Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan, 
Oktober 2003, Konferenz der Central Eurasian Studies Society, Universität Harvard, USA.


Betreute Promotionen/Doctoral supervisions


Leo Hedrich, „Legislating Justice and Legality? Muslim Deputies in the Russian State Duma, 1906-1916“, Philosophische Fakultät der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (first supervisor, ongoing).

Ketevan Sartania, „From Revolutionary to Socialist Legality: Georgian Perspectives“, Philosophische Fakultät der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (first supervisor, ongoing).

Lucien Turczan-Lipets, „Forums of Dissidence: Ukrainian and Jewish Thinkers in Kyiv and Lviv, 1960s-1980s“, Philosophische Fakultät der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (first supervisor, ongoing).

Sonja Ewers, „Zum Einfluss von Modemagazinen und Zeitungen auf die Mode der 1920er Jahre in Berlin“, Philosophische Fakultät der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (first supervisor, ongoing).

Khadija Babayeva, „The Role of Satire in the Formation of a Secular Gender Identity: A Study of Azerbaijani Women in the Popular Media, 1870-1930“, Philosophische Fakultät der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (first supervisor, ongoing)

Kyara Klausmann, „Intellectual Debates, Enthusiastic Demonstrations, and Brutal Crackdowns. Political Activism at Kabul University during the Cold War, 1964-1992“, Kultur-, Sozial- und Bildungswissenschaftliche Fakultät der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (second supervisor, completed)

Nazgul Mingisheva, „Globalization and Youth Culture in Kazakhstan“, L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Sociology Faculty, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan (formally appointed as “Foreign Scientific Advisor” for PhD thesis, ongoing).




Akademisches Jahr 2024/25

Der Kampf um Recht und Gerechtigkeit: Minderheiten im Zarenreich (Hauptseminar)

Akademisches Jahr 2023/24

Der „neue Mensch“ in der Sowjetunion: Utopien, Dystopien, Realitäten (Bachelorseminar)

Academic year 2022/23:
Geschichte der Autonomie in Russland: Territoriale Ansprüche, Aushandlung und Herrschaft

Academic year 2021/22
Zwischen Utopie und Realität. Die Rolle des Films in der Sowjetunion

Academic year 2021
Maritime Träume. Das Zarenreich am Schwarzen und Kaspischen Meer, 1700-1917

Academic year 2019/2020

-Die Grenzen des Vielvölkerreiches: Kulturelle Vielfalt und Imperialismus im russischen Zarenreich, 1552-1917 (Vorlesung)

Academic year 2018/19

- Empire of Engineers? Science in Soviet Politics and Society 

Academic year 2017/18

- Dictatorships of the Present: Authoritarian Rule in the Post-Soviet Space

Academic year 2016/17

- Between Dictatorship, Stagnation and the “Golden Age”:  The Soviet Union in the 1960s and 1970s

- Russia and the Bomb. The Nuclear Threat during the Cold War. Strategic Use and Popular Perception

Academic year 2014/2015

- “Tough men”. Emotion, Gender, and the Study of the Cold War  (Department of History)

- “Homo Sovieticus”: Idea and Reality of the Soviet Being (Department of History)

Academic year 2013/14

- Russian Rule in Crimea: Imperialism, Colonization, and Mass Tourism, 18th-20th centuries (Department of History)

- Hipsters and Komsomoltsy: Youth and Youth Organizations in the Soviet Union, 1917-1991 (Department of History)

Academic year 2011/12

- Religion and Nation in a Multiethnic Empire: Russia and the Soviet Union, 16th-20th centuries (Department of History)

- The Socialist Experiment: Eastern Europe in the 20th century (Department of History) - course taught jointly with three other members of staff

Academic year 2010/11

- Police, Justice, and the Exile System: The Russian Empire between Law and Violence, 1649-1917 (Department of History)

- Religion, Migration and "the West": Dimensions of Globalization in Central Asia (Department of Central Asian Studies)

Academic year 2009/10

- Russia and her Muslims: Integration and Conflict in the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union (Department of History)

- Everyday Life in Central Asia: Between the Soviet Legacy, Transformation, and Globalization (Department of Central Asian Studies)