Infrastructure and Consortia
Future e-Research Support in the Humanities II (FuReSH II)As part of the project, the Digital Humanities Competence Workshop (KDH) is being set up at the HU Berlin University Library, which focuses in particular on teaching specific user skills (tool literacy) and providing the tools required for digital research. Together with the Chair of Information Processing and Analysis, Digital History is jointly responsible for shaping the content.
Funded by the DFG |
Competence Centre for Data Literacy QUADRIGAQUADRIGA is the Berlin-Brandenburg Competence Centre for Data Literacy for Digital Humanities, Administrative Sciences and Film Studies. It is supported by computer science and information science. The aim of Quadriga is to develop open educational resources for researchers at all career levels to enable them to work confidently with data. Funded by the BMBF and the European Union |
Interdisciplinary Center
IC for Digitality and Digital Methods Campus Mitte (IC D2MCM)The overarching goal of the IC D2MCM is to promote the exchange between the departments represented at Campus Mitte (CM) in the areas of digitality and digital methods (D2M), to support the development of joint focal points and to promote the establishment of corresponding infrastructures in order to promote the broad potential available and to enable excellent research in these areas in the future. The IC is research-driven and focuses on the specific needs of the various researchers and their projects, supporting them sustainably with an agile and innovative infrastructure in order to contribute to the expansion of the topics of digitality and digital methods as a focal point at Humboldt-Universität.
Contact: |
NFDI4MemoryDie Professur für Digital History engagiert sich in der Konsortialinitiative NFDI4Memory, die Forschungseinrichtungen, Gedächtnisinstitutionen und Informationsinfrastrukturen aus den historisch arbeitenden Geisteswissenschaften für den Aufbau einer gemeinsamen Nationalen Forschungsdateninfrastruktur zusammenbringt. Gemeinsam mit dem Verband der Historikerinnen und Historiker Deutschlands verantwortet sie hier die |
Data for HistoryDas internationale Konsortium hat das Ziel, die Interoperabilität (geo-)historischer Daten zu verbessern. Zu diesem Zweck sollen gemeinsame Methoden zur Modellierung, Kuratierung und Verwaltung von Daten im Rahmen historischer Forschung entwickelt werden. Auf diese Weise steht zukünftigen Forschungsprojekten ein Framework zur kollaborativen und interoperablen Produktion, Nachnutzung und Analyse historischer Forschungsdaten zur Verfügung. |