Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Digital History

Chair for Digital History


Welcome to Digital History


What is Digital History?

Digital History is concerned with the use of digital media and methods in the historical sciences. It is part of the digitization process in the historical sciences, which it actively shapes and at the same time critically reflects.

Digital History researches the digital representation of historical data and its special features, adapts digital methods for the historical sciences and develops them further. Above all, however, it reflects critically on these methods from the perspective of the discipline and, building on this, develops its own critique of digital data and methods.

In addition, Digital History can also deal with the history of digitality, the digital mediation of history as well as digital subject communication in the historical sciences.


Study Digital History

Digital History can be studied as a Master's specialisation programme at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. More information on the curriculum and the courses in the field of Digital History can be found here.




    Digital History Weblog

Digital History on YouTube



           Digital History on Twitter

         Digital History on Mastodon





Prof. Dr. Torsten Hiltmann

Office: Friedrichstr. 191-193a, Raum 5006
Phone: (030)2093-70648
E-Mail: torsten.hiltmann (at)

Office Hours: By appointment by mail

Secretary: Dorothea Wagner

Phone: 030 / 2093-70555
Email: dorothea.wagner (at)
Office: FRS 191, 5005

Office Hours:

Tue 08:30-12:30 Uhr
Wed 10:30-17:30 Uhr
Thu 08:30-16:00 Uhr

Postal address:

Professur für Digital History
Institut für Geschichtswissenschaften
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Unter den Linden 6
10099 Berlin


Professur für Digital History
Institut für Geschichtswissenschaften
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Friedrichstr. 191-193
10117 Berlin