Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Department of History | Chair of Early Modern European History | News | Archive Archive New article by Matthias Pohlig: Singular und Plural: Überlegungen zum Reformationsbegriff in der jüngeren Forschung (Singular and plural: Reflections on the concept of reformation in recent research) New article by Matthias Pohlig: “The uses and utility of intelligence: The case of the British Government during the War of the Spanish Succession” New article by Tobias Graf: “Knowing the ‘Hereditary Enemy’: Austrian-Habsburg Intelligence on the Ottoman Empire in the Late Sixteenth Century” Lavinia Gambini and Arndt Wille awarded the Humboldt Prize 2021
New article by Matthias Pohlig: Singular und Plural: Überlegungen zum Reformationsbegriff in der jüngeren Forschung (Singular and plural: Reflections on the concept of reformation in recent research)
New article by Matthias Pohlig: “The uses and utility of intelligence: The case of the British Government during the War of the Spanish Succession”
New article by Tobias Graf: “Knowing the ‘Hereditary Enemy’: Austrian-Habsburg Intelligence on the Ottoman Empire in the Late Sixteenth Century”