Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Chair of Early Modern European History

Early Modern European History Research Seminar (Winter Term 2024/2025)

Unless indicated otherwise, all meetings take place on Wednesdays 6.15–7.45 p.m. in Institut für Geschichtswissenschaften, Friedrichstraße 191, room 4031 (4th floor). Changes as well as further information about individual meetings are communicated through this website as well as our mailing list. To subscribe to the mailing list, please email

The programme is also available in iCal format. You can download it as a file or subscribe to the calender in your calendar app using the address in this link.

Wed, 30/10/2024

You can also join the meeting online using this link.

Eero Samuel Arum and Gio Maria Tessarolo (Berkeley), The Demons of Sovereignty: Jean Bodin's Demonic Constitutionalism

Joint session with the Research Seminar on Early Modern Cultural and Religious History of the Freie Universität Berlin (Prof. Dr. Alexander Schunka)

Wed, 6/11/2024

Lucas Haasis (Oldenburg), Prize Papers – eine Globalgeschichte der Frühen Neuzeit

Wed, 13/11/2024

Antonia-Oana Avram (Vienna/Berlin), Humanist Agency and the Early-Modern European Discourse on Humanity. A Case Study on Scipione Ammirato and His Works

Wed, 4/12/2024

Matthias Winkler (Berlin), Revolution und Exil. Französische Emigranten in der Habsburgermonarchie 1789–1815. Eine Buchvorstellung

Fri, 13/12/2024

Institut für Geschichtswissenschaften, Friedrichstraße 191

Research Day for Doctoral Candidates and Master's Students

The time and venue will be announced in the course of the term.

Fri, 10/01/2025

10:15 am

Institut für Geschichtswissenschaften, Friedrichstraße 191, room 4026 (4th floor)

Julia Gebke (Wien), Regentschaft oder die Quadratur des Kreises politischer Herrschaft?

Joint session with the Research Seminar of the Working Group on Gender History

Wed, 15/01/2025

Thomas Müller (Wittenberg), Der Deutsche Bauernkrieg. Ereignis, Rezeption und Desiderate

Joint session with the Research Seminar on Gender and Cultural History of the Early Modern Period of the Freie Universität Berlin (Prof. Dr. Daniela Hacke)

Thu, 23/01/2025

6:15 pm

Friedrich-Meinecke-Institut, Koserstraße 20, room A 336

Luise Schorn-Schütte (Frankfurt/Main), Modernisierungstheorie und historische Frühneuzeitforschung. Ein Werkstattsbericht

Joint session with the Research Seminar on Early Modern Cultural and Religious History of the Freie Universität Berlin (Prof. Dr. Alexander Schunka)

Wed, 29/01/2025

Irena Fliter (Berlin), Entrepreneurs Across Empires: The Camondo Family's Pursuit of Belonging, Wealth and Power between the Ottoman and European Domains

Wed, 5/02/2025

Elisabeth Natour (Mainz), Möge die Musik mit Dir sein. Musik und Macht am Hof Ludwigs XIII. von Frankreich