Dr. Ala Kharatyan
- Foto
- Name
- Dr. Ala Kharatyan
- Status
- Visiting Scholar
- kharatyanala (at) gmail.com
Duration of visit: June–August 2021 (funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD))
More information about Dr. Kharatyan on academia.edu.
Research project: Quellenkritische Forschung, Vergleich des Urtextes und Fertigstellung von wissenschaftlichen Glossen der Prophezeiung von Hieronymus Agantangeghos (Source-critical research, comparison of the original text, and completion of scholarly glosses of the Hieronymus Agantangeghos's prophecy)
At the heart of this project are source-critical research, the comparison of the original text, and the completion of scholarly glosses of Hieronymus Agantangeghos's prophecy. The topic under investigation belongs to philological textual criticism, comparative literature, and history, which includes a European-German context.
The topic of the research relates to the study of a text that played an important role in European history, the "Prophecy of Heronimos Agatangeghos", in particular the study of a series of political and historical events encoded in it. Research into this prophecy is largely centred on Germany and its political role in European history from the sixteenth to the nineteenth centuries. In the prophecy, the re-emergence of the Byzantine Empire and the liberation of Constantinople, the liberation of Greece from the Ottoman Empire by a rescue operation are linked to the Holy Roman Empire. The topic also includes the connection between the Greek revolution and this prophecy, that is the use of this prophecy by the Greek revolutionaries to influence the self-confidence of the people. The questions of authorship, time and place of origin as well as questions regarding the printed editions also form part of the investigation.