Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Chair of Early Modern European History

Dr. Matthias Winkler

Dr. Matthias Winkler
Associate Scholar
mat_winkler (at)

Matthias Winkler is Scientific Officer in the Department Science – Policy – Society of the National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina.


  • History of migration
  • The French Revolution and the opposition to it
  • History of the Habsburg Monarchy in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries



Book cover of Matthias Winkler, Revolution und Exil: Französische Emigranten in der Habsburgermonarchie 1789–1815 (Frühneuzeit-Forschungen, 26; Göttingen: Wallstein, 2024).‘Vom Land der Anarchie’ in die ‘Sackgasse Europas’? Handlungsfelder und Interaktionsräume französischer Revolutionsemigranten in der Habsburgermonarchie (‘From the land of anarchy’ to the ‘dead end of Europe’? Fields of action and spaces of interaction of French revolutionary emigrants in the Habsburg Monarchy)

Betreuer:innen: Prof. Dr. Xenia von Tippelskirch, Prof. Dr. Peter Burschel

The work focuses on the interactions and mutual relationships between French revolutionary emigrants and the host society in the Habsburg Monarchy from 1789 until the second decade of the 19th century. The study examines contact zones and interdependencies on a political-administrative, social-cultural and religious-ecclesiastical level, which arose from the presence of emigrants in the country of exile. Starting from the communicative interfaces in the host society, it explores the scope for action of the French in exile. Taking into account the context of the changing perceptions of the host population it shows that emigration was a polyvalent factor in the social structure of the Habsburg Monarchy around 1800.

Published as Revolution und Exil: Französische Emigranten in der Habsburgermonarchie 1789–1815 (Frühneuzeit-Forschungen, 26; Göttingen: Wallstein, 2024).


  • 05/2022: Doctorate in History (summa cum laude), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
  • 2011: Master of Arts (M.A. in Central European History)
  • 2010–2011: MA-Program in Central European History, Central European University Budapest (CEU)
  • 2010: Diploma in History (Dipl.-Hist. Univ.)
  • 2004–2010: studied History and Geography at Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg



  • 2013–2015: Member in the German-French Doctoral College „Construire les différences/Unterschiede denken II“, EHESS Paris and HU Berlin
  • 2012–2015: Doctoral scholarship of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation
  • 2011–2012: Doctoral scholarship of the joint European Doctoral Programme of HU Berlin, CEU Budapest, EPHE and EHESS Paris as well as SUM Florenz
  • 2011: Hanák Prize of the CEU History Department
  • 2010–2011: CEU Fellowship for MA Students
  • 2007–2010: Scholarship of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation




Articles and contributions to edited volumes

Book reviews