Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Chair of Early Modern European History

Dr. Tobias P. Graf

Dr. Tobias P. Graf
tobias.peter.graf (at)

Humboldt-Universität → Präsidium → Philosophische Fakultät → Institut für Geschichtswissenschaften → Europäische Geschichte der Frühen Neuzeit
Visiting address
Friedrichstraße 191-193 , Room 4060
Phone number
+40 (0)30 2093-70552
Consultation hours

In Summer Term 2024 my office hours take place on Wednesdays 12 noon–1 pm s.t. (12:00–13:00) in room 4060. Alternatively, we can talk on Zoom or the phone.

Please book an appointment using the dedicated Moodle course (general registration key: sprechstunde; students participating in any of my seminars please use the key provided in the respective Moodle courses). Here you will also find the Zoom link used for Zoom appointments as well as further information.

If you require a different appointment or need to discuss anything urgently, please send me an email.

Mailing address
Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin


  • Geographical, social, and religious mobility in the early modern period

  • Relations and entanglements between Europe and the Ottoman Empire

  • Intelligence, espionage, and political decision-making in the early modern period

  • History of Central Europa

  • History of diplomacy



  • Middle Eastern Christians in the Eighteenth-Century Holy Roman Empire (monograph/habilitation thesis)



  • Knowledge and Political Decision-Making in the Early Modern Period: The Example of Austrian-Habsburg Foreign Intelligence (Wissen und politische Entscheidungsfindung in der Frühen Neuzeit am Beispiel des österreichisch-habsburgischen Auslandsgeheimdienstwesens; funded by the Fritz Thyssen Foundation and Field of Focus 3 “Cultural Dynamics in Globalised Worlds”, Heidelberg University, 2014–2016)

  • Dynamic Asymmetries in Transcultural Flows at the Intersection of Asia and Europe: The Case of the Early Modern Ottoman Empire (sub-project A7 of the Cluster of Excellence “Asia and Europe in a Global Context”, Heidelberg University (with Thomas Maissen, Michael Ursinus, Pascal Firges, Christian Roth, and Gülay Tulasoğlu, 2009–2012) (more)



  • since October 2019: Assistant Professor at the Chair of Early Modern European History (Prof. Dr. Matthias Pohlig), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

  • 2019–2020: Associate Member of the Faculty of History, University of Oxford

  • 2017–2019: Research Associate in the ERC project “Stories of Survival: Recovering the Connected Histories of Eastern Christianity in the Early Modern World” (PI: Dr. John-Paul Ghobrial), University of Oxford (more)

  • 2016–2017: Assitant Professor at the Chair of Early Modern History (Prof. Dr. Renate Dürr), Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen

  • 2012–2017: Associate Member of the Cluster of Excellence “Asia and Europe in a Global Context”, Heidelberg University

  • 2015–2016: Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the project “Knowledge and Political Decision-Making in the Early Modern Period: The Example of Austrian-Habsburg Foreign Intelligence” (Wissen und politische Entscheidungsfindung in der Frühen Neuzeit am Beispiel des österreichisch-habsburgischen Auslandsgeheimdienstwesens) funded by the Fritz Thyssen Foundation at the Chair of Early Modern History (Prof. Dr. Thomas Maissen, covered by Prof. Dr. Susan Richter), Heidelberg University

  • 2014 Start-up funding by Field of Focus 3 “Cultural Dynamics in Globalised Worlds”, Heidelberg University for the research project “Knowledge and Political Decision-Making in the Early Modern Period: The Example of Austrian-Habsburg Foreign Intelligence” (Wissen und politische Entscheidungsfindung in der Frühen Neuzeit am Beispiel des österreichisch-habsburgischen Auslandsgeheimdienstwesens)

  • 2014: Doctorate from the Department of History, Heidelberg University

  • 2012–2013: Visiting student in the Faculty of History, University of Cambridge and Wolfson College, Cambridge

  • 2009–2012: Doctoral researcher in the sub-project A7 “Dynamic Asymmetries in Transcultural Flows at the Intersection of Asia and Europe: The Case of the Early Modern Ottoman Empire” at the Cluster of Excellence “Asia and Europe in a Global Context”, Heidelberg University (more)

  • 2009–2013: Doctoral scholarship from the German Academic Scholarship Foundation (Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes)

  • 2009: Doctoral scholarship from the Cluster of Excellence “Asia and Europe in a Global Context”, Heidelberg University

  • 2007–2008: Master of Philosophy in Early Modern History, Christ's College, University of Cambridge

  • 2003–2007: Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in History, Wolfscon College, University of Cambridge



  • Verband der Historikerinnen und Historiker Deutschlands

  • Working Group “Ottoman Europe” (Das osmanische Europa) (more)
  • Society for Renaissance Studies




  • The Sultan’s Renegades: Christian-European Converts to Islam and the Making of the Ottoman Elite, 1575–1610 (Oxford, 2017).


Edited volumes:

  • with Charlotte Backerra (eds), Case Studies in Early Modern Intelligence, special issue of the Journal of Intelligence History 21, no. 3 (2022). (mehr)
  • (ed.), Der Preis der Diplomatie: Die Abrechnungen der kaiserlichen Gesandten an der Hohen Pforte, 1580–1583 (Heidelberg, 2016). (mehr)
  • with Pascal Firges, Christian Roth, and Gülay Tulasoğlu (eds), Well-Connected Domains: Towards an Entangled Ottoman History (The Ottoman Empire and Its Heritage 57; Leiden, 2014).


Articles and contributions to edited volumes:

  • with Lars Behrisch, Ildikó Horn, and Margarita Eva Rodríguez García, Migration in Early Modern History (ca. 1500–1800), in Jan Hansen et al. (eds), The European Experience: A Multi-Perspective History of Modern Europe, 1500–2000 (Cambridge, 2023), pp. 65–74,
  • with Saúl Martínez Bermejo, Ramachandra Byrappa, and Markéta Křížová, Europe’s Other(ed)s: The Americas, Africa, Asia, and Middle East in Early Modern History (ca. 1500–1800), in Jan Hansen et al. (eds), The European Experience: A Multi-Perspective History of Modern Europe, 1500–2000 (Cambridge, 2023), pp. 99–107,
  • with Benjamin Conrad and Arndt Wille, Interethnic Relations in Early Modern History (ca. 1500–1800), in Jan Hansen et al. (eds), The European Experience: A Multi-Perspective History of Modern Europe, 1500–2000 (Cambridge, 2023), pp. 167–175, This chapter is accompanied by a video lecture available on YouTube.
  • Knowing the "Hereditary Enemy": Austrian-Habsburg Intelligence on the Ottoman Empire in the Late Sixteenth Century, in Tobias P. Graf and Charlotte Backerra (eds), Case Studies in Early Modern Intelligence, special issue of the Journal of Intelligence History 21, no. 3 (2022), pp. 268–288, DOI: 10.1080/16161262.2022.2031522.
  • with Charlotte Backerra, Case Studies in Early Modern Intelligence, in Tobias P. Graf and Charlotte Backerra (eds), Case Studies in Early Modern Intelligence, special issue of the Journal of Intelligence History 21, no. 3 (2022), pp. 237–250, DOI: 10.1080/16161262.2022.2141977.
  • Cheating the Habsburgs and Their Subjects? Eighteenth-Century "Arabian Princes" in Central Europe and the Question of Fraud, in Dorothea McEwan and Stefan Hanß (eds), The Habsburg Mediterranean, 1500–1800 (Archiv für Österreichische Geschichte 145; Vienna, 2021), pp. 229–253,
  • with Rüdiger Hohls, Matthias Pohlig, and Claudia Prinz, Auswertung der Online-Umfrage „Digitale Lehre“ von H-Soz-Kult: „Digitale Lehre – Online-Befragung der Geschichtslehrenden an den Hochschulen im Sommersemester 2020“, in H-Soz-Kult (18 Dec. 2020),
  • Stopping an Ottoman Spy in Late Sixteenth-Century Istanbul: David Ungnad, Markus Penckner, and Austrian-Habsburg Intelligence in the Ottoman Capital, in Sigrun Haude, Christian Schneider, and Gerhild Scholz-Williams (eds), Rethinking Europe: War and Peace in the Early Modern German Lands (Chloe: Beihefte zum Daphnis 48; Leiden, 2019), pp. 173–193.
  • with Pascal Firges, Exploring the Contact Zone: A Critical Assessment from the Perspective of Early Modern Euro-Ottoman History, in Christiane Brosius et al. (eds), Engaging Transculturality: Concepts, Key Terms, Case Studies (London, 2019), pp. 109–121.
  • Trans-Imperial Nobility: The Case of Carlo Cigala (1556–1631), in Claire Norton (eds), Conversion and Islam in the Early Modern Mediterranean: The Lure of the Other (Abingdon, 2017), pp. 9–29.
  • Of Half-Lives and Double-Lives: "Renegades" in the Ottoman Empire and Their Pre-Conversion Ties in the Late Sixteenth and Early Seventeenth Centuries, in Pascal Firges et al. (eds), Well-Connected Domains: Towards an Entangled Ottoman History (The Ottoman Empire and Its Heritage 57; Leiden, 2014), pp. 131–149.
  • with Pascal Firges, Introduction to Pascal Firges et al. (eds), Well-Connected Domains: Towards an Entangled Ottoman History (The Ottoman Empire and Its Heritage 57; Leiden, 2014), pp. 1–10.
  • Ladislaus Mörth: Ein ungewöhnlicher Renegat im Osmanischen Reich des späten 16. Jahrhunderts?, in Andreas Helmedach et al. (eds), Das osmanische Europa: Methoden und Perspektiven der Frühneuzeitforschung zu Südosteuropa (Leipzig, 2014), pp. 309–340.


Book reviews in:

  • English Historical Review
  • Zeitschrift für Historische Forschung

  • History: The Journal of the Historical Association
  • International Journal of Turkish Studies
  • Sehepunkte
  • H-Diplo
  • H-Turk
  • New Middle Eastern Studies


Public engagement: