Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Medieval History I

Chair of Medieval History I

Research and teaching at the Chair for Medieval History I cover the entire Middle Ages (c. 500-1500 CE) in a European perspective. "Europe" is however not understood to be the confined to Latin Europe (the "occident"). Opting for a broad interpretation of the term, Europe is thought of as a continent that also comprised the Eastern Slavonic and Byzantine world as well as the Muslim presence in Spain, Italy and the Balkan region. Intercultural and comparative research on the Middle Ages should make its contributions to recent debates on the historical identity of Europe. Recently, work at our chair has turned towards questions of a Global History of the Middle Ages. Striving for a larger world has been judged to be at the heart of present-day globalisation. But it was manifest in the medieval centuries as well: Long-distance trade, imperial expansion and migration created webs of cross-cultural interactions between Europe, Asia and Northern Africa.
Prof. Dr. Michael Borgolte
Telephone +49-30-2093-70533
Fax +49-30-2093-70645
e-mail BorgolteM (at)
Office: Gisela Grabo
Monday to Thursday: 9 am till 12 pm
Friday: 10 am till 1 pm
Mail Adress
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Institut für Geschichtswissenschaften
Lehrstuhl für Mittelalterliche Geschichte I
Unter den Linden 6
10099 Berlin

Due to construction works in the main bulding, our offices are located on the provisional premisses of the Department of History:

Friedrichstraße 191-193a
10117 Berlin
Rooms 4005-4011

Visitors best use the entrance at Kronenstraße 12. (How to find us.)