Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Social and Economic History

Professor Alexander Nützenadel

Publications | Curriculum Vitae
Professor Alexander Nützenadel
nuetzenadel (at)

Visiting address
Friedrichstraße 191-193 , Room 5011
Phone number
(030) 2093-70616
Consultation hours
Tuesday, 12 am - 1 pm Thursday, 4 - 5 pm
Mailing address
Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin


Alexander Nützenadel is Professor of Social and Economic History at Humboldt University Berlin.

He earned his M.A. (History, Economics and Computer sciences) in 1990 at the University of Göttingen and his Ph.D. (Modern History) in 1995 at the University of Cologne with a study on Agrarian Policy in Italian Fascism. In 2004, he completed his Habilitation at the University of Cologne with a book on Economic Experts in Postwar Germany.

Alexander Nützenadel taught Modern History at the University of Cologne and was Principal Investigator of the Research Group ‘Globalisation as a Historical Process. Agrarian Markets and International Politics 1870-1970’, funded by the Volkswagen Foundation. Before joining the Humboldt University in 2009, he was Professor of European Economic and Social History at the University of Frankfurt/Oder.

Alexander Nützenadel held fellowships at the University of Venice, the German Historical Institute in Rome, Columbia University New York, Science Po Paris and the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study. In 2021/22, he was the Gerda Henkel Visiting Professor at the London School of Economics and Political Sciences.

Research Grants and Coordinated Projects

Editorial boards

Journal of Modern European History, Economic History Yearbook, Journal of European Economic History (Advisory Board), Historische Zeitschrift (Advisory Board), Neue Politische Literatur, Kritische Studien zur Geschichtswissenschaft 

Areas of Research

  • Modern Economic and Social History
  • European fascism in comparative perspective
  • Economic knowledge and experts 
  • Banking, debts and financial regulation in the 20th century
  • Historical experiences and economic expectations

Work in Progress

  • Contingency and Choice. A History of Economic Future (Book Project with Jochen Streb, under contract with Princeton University Press)
  • The Routledge Handbook of Economic Expectations in Historical Perspective (ed. with Laetitia Lenel, Ingo Köhler und Jochen Streb), London: Routledge (forthcoming, 2024)
  • Financial Regulation in the 20th century (Index-based analysis for 12 countries, with Thilo Albers and Tobias Scheib)
  • Economic Populism and Authoritarian Rule in Europe 1914-1945 (Book Project)

Recent Publications (selection)

  • Nützenadel, Alexander. "Risk Management, Expectations and Global Finance: The Case of Deutsche Bank 1970–1990" Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte / Economic History Yearbook, vol. 64, no. 2, 2023, pp. 377-405.
  • Economic Narratives (Forum Section), in: Journal of Modern European History 21 (2023) (with Laetitia Lenel et. al.)
  • Das Geschäft mit den Staatsschulden, in: Stefanie Middendorf, Laura Rischbieter and Jan Logemann (eds.), Schulden machen. Praktiken der Staatsverschuldung im langen 20. Jahrhundert, Frankfurt am Main/New York 2023, p. 73-84
  • Fascism and Finance: Economic Populism in Inter-War Europe, in: German Historical Institute London Bulletin 44,1 (2022), 3–27 (link)
  • The financial crisis of 2008 — Experience, memory, history, in: Journal of Modern European History (=Forum: The Financial Crisis and Its Legacies), 19,1 (2021), p. 1-5
  • State, Banks and the Financialization of Sovereign Debt in Italy since the 1970s, in: Nicolas Barreyre, Nicolas Delalande (eds.), World of Public Debts: A Political History (Palgrave Studies in the History of Finance), Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke 2020, p. 405-425
  • Deutsche Bank. The Global Hausbank 1870-2020, London: Bloomsbury 2020 (with Catherine Schenk and Werner Plumpe)
  • Bureaucracy, Work and Violence. The Reich Ministry of Labour in Nazi Germany, 1933–1945, Oxford/New York: Berghahn 2020