Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Social and Economic History

Dr. Marie Huber

Dr. Marie Huber
marie.huber (at)



Marie Huber is interested in the economic history of developing countries, especially in post-colonial Africa, from a global-historical perspective. Her focus is on the transnational emergence and circulation of knowledge and the development of economic expectations. For her doctoral thesis, she investigated the emergence of the UNESCO World Heritage Programme and the development of the tourism sector in Ethiopia.

In her project on the corporate history of the West African airline "Air Afrique", funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), she is investigating the role airlines played in the building of the new West African nation states and how the many external events and guidelines influenced entrepreneurial action. Since April 2022, she started investigating the economic relations of German companies in Asia and Africa after 1950 as part of the SFB/TRR 138 "Dynamics of Security" as a member of the sub-project on foreign economic securitisation.


Main Interests

Global History; African History; Business History; Development Economics; History of Knowledge

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Recent Publications

Huber, Marie. 2022. ‘Putting a Nation on the Map: The Construction of a Geographical Imaginary through the Project for a National Atlas of Ethiopia, 1962–1987*’. Comparativ 32 (2): 264–88.

“State-Owned Success in the Air: Ethiopian Airlines and the Multinational Air Afrique in the 1960s and 1970s.” Zeitschrift Für Unternehmensgeschichte 67, no. 2 (September 8, 2022): 271–92.


Ongoing Research

In her project on the corporate history of the West African airline "Air Afrique", which was funded by the DFG until 2023, she is investigating the role airlines played in the building of the new West African nation states and how the many external events and specifications influenced entrepreneurial action. The project is part of the priority programme "Experience & Expectation - Historical Foundations of Economic Behaviour". Since April 2022, she has been investigating the economic relations of German companies in Asia and Africa after 1950 as part of the SFB/TRR 138 "Dynamics of Security" as a member of the sub-project on foreign economic securitisation.



2013 - 2017 Dr. Phil., Institut für Geschichtswissenschaften, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, „magna cum laude“

2010 M.A. (Magistra Artium), History and Sociology, Technische Universität Berlin


Selceted Publications


Developing Heritage – Developing Countries: Ethiopian Nation-Building and the Origins of UNESCO World Heritage, 1960–1980. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2020.


Keese, Alexander, Marie Huber. 2022 (Hg.): State Enterprises in Africa: A Postcolonial History’. Zeitschrift Für Unternehmensgeschichte 67 (2): 167–87.


Peer Reviewed Articles

“Creating Destinations for a Better Tomorrow: UN Development Aid for Cultural Tourism in the 1960s.” Journal of Contemporary History 57, no. 2 (April 1, 2022): 317–40.

Huber, Marie. 2016. ‘Making Ethiopian Heritage World Heritage. UNESCO’s Role in Ethiopian Cultural and Natural Heritage / Faire Du Patrimoine Éthiopien Un Patrimoine Mondial: Le Rôle de l’Unesco Dans La Reconnaissance Du Patrimoine Culturel et Naturel Éthiopien’. Annales d’Éthiopie 31 (1): 45–64.


Book Chapters

Huber, Marie. 2018. ‘Altes Wissen auf neuen Wegen - Die Verbreitung von Äthiopienwissen durch internationale Netzwerke 1950-1980’. In Wissen in Bewegung: Migration und globale Verflechtungen in der Zeitgeschichte seit 1945., edited by Simone Lässig, Stephanie Zloch, and Lars Müller, 291–321. Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter.


Research Communication

Die Politisierungsmaschine. Internationale Kulturpolitik und Bürgerkrieg in Äthiopien. Geschichte der Gegenwart, 26.9.2021.

Äthiopiens Kulturerbe ist in Gefahr, Der Tagesspiegel, 09.02.2021.