Jule Ulbricht, M.A.
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- Name
- Jule Ulbricht M.A.
- jule.ulbricht.1 (at) hu-berlin.de
Jule Ulbricht has been a doctoral candidate at the Chair of Social and Economic History since May 2023 and is a research assistant in the Research Training Group "Global Intellectual History" at Freie Universität Berlin. She completed her Master's degree in European History, Politics and Society on a Fulbright Scholarship at Columbia University in New York. She studied Cultural Studies and Philosophy at Humboldt University Berlin.
Main research and teaching interests
History and theories of capitalism, global history, history of transpacific relations, history of economic knowledge, history of global trade in the 19th and 20th centuries
Current research projects
PhD project: Continuous Flow: An Intellectual History of Just-in-Time, 1960s-1980s.
2022: Columbia University Thesis Grant
2021: Fulbright Scholarship