History - Society - Culture Editors Hannes Grandits and Wolfgang Höpken
The “Balkanologische Veröffentlichungen” series was established in 1979 by Norbert Reiter as a forum for the wide spectrum of research on the Balkans with particular consideration for works devoted to linguistic and literary studies. With volume 39 (2003) the profile of the series was changed. Abandoning the linguistic and literary research topics, the series has since then featured monographs and edited books about history, society and culture in the Balkans. The focus lies on historical, cultural, ethnological as well as social and cultural anthropological research. The series also has an international profile that allows authors to publish their work in German, English and French. The scope of the subjects covered ranges from political and social history on nationalism and research on ethnicity, minorities, gender, memory and commemoration to popular culture and everyday life, religion and educational history. You can find a flyer about the book series here.