Dr. Lara Keuck (neé Kutschenko)
- Foto
- Name
- Dr. Lara Keuck (neé Kutschenko)
- Status
- Research Associate
- lara.keuck (at) hu-berlin.de
- Homepage
- https://brancoweissfellowship.org/lara-keuck.html
- Institution
- Humboldt-Universität → Präsidium → Philosophische Fakultät → Institut für Geschichtswissenschaften → Wissenschaftsgeschichte mit einem Schwerpunkt in der Geschichte der Bildung und der Organisation des Wissens im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert
- Visiting address
- Friedrichstraße 191-193 , Room 4012
- Phone number
- (0049) (030) 2093-70557
- Fax
- (0049) (030) 2093-70624
- Mailing address
- 1
As of May 2021, this page will not be updated anymore.
Since 2021: Research-group-leader at the Max-Planck-Institute for the History of Science, Berlin
- Since July 2020: Member of the Junge Akademie
- Research Scholar at the Department of History at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin; head of junior research group "Learning from Alzheimer's Disease. A history of biomedical models of mental illness" funded through ETH Zurich's "The Branco Weiss Fellowship - Society in Science", since 2015
- Visiting Scholar at "egenis - the Centre for the Study of Life Sciences", University of Exeter, January 2017
- Visiting Associate Research Scholar at the Department of History at Princeton University, February 2016
- Research Scholar at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin, 2013-15
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Philosophy Department of Humboldt University Berlin, 2012-13
- Visiting Scholar at the Ecole normale supérieure, Paris, 2011
- PhD in History, Philosophy and Ethics of Medicine, University Medical Center Mainz, under a German-French doctoral program with the Ecole normale supérieure, Paris, 2008-12
- Diplom (equivalent to M.Sc) in Molecular Biomedicine, University of Bonn, with research stays at the Robert Koch Institute, Berlin, Humboldt University Berlin, and the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen, 2003-08
- History and Philosophy of the Biomedical Sciences
- History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences, Human Sciences, Medicine and Psychiatry
Current Project
- Keil, Geert, Lara Keuck und Rico Hauswald (eds., 2017). Vagueness in Psychiatry. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Huber, Lara und Lara K. Kutschenko (eds., 2009). “Medicine in a neurocentric world” Medicine Studies 1:307-408.
- Keuck, Lara and Freeborn, Alfred (2020). “The Limits of Biomarkers. Contemporary re-phrasings of Canguilhem” In: P.-O. Méthot (ed). The Normal and the Pathological. Writings on Georges Canguilhem. Paris: Hermann Philosophie (collection med phi), 346-367.
Keuck, Lara (2020). “A window to act: revisiting the conceptual foundations of Alzheimer’s disease in dementia prevention” In: A. Leibing, S. Schicktanz (eds.): Preventing old age and decline? Critical observations on aging and dementia. New York, Oxford: Berghahn Publishers, 19-39.
- Keuck, Lara (2019). "DSM und ICD oder die Schwierigkeit, Psychosomatisches zu klassifizieren", in: Auf der Suche nach einer anderen Medizin, hrsg. v. Alexa Geisthövel und Bettina Hitzer, Suhrkamp 2018, 448-463.
- Keuck, Lara (2017). "Slicing the Cortex to Study Mental Illness: Alois Alzheimer's Pictures of Equivalence". In: Tara Mahfoud, Sam McLean, Nikolas Rose (eds.): Vital Models. The Making and Use of Models in the Brain Sciences. Cambridge, San Diego, Oxford, London: Elsevier, 25–51.
- Huber, Lara und Lara Keuck (2017). "Philosophie der biomedizinischen Wissenschaften". In: Thomas Reydon und Simon Lohse (eds.): Grundriss Wissenschaftsphilosophie. Die Philosophien der Einzelwissenschaften. Freiburg: Meiner, 287–318.
- Keil, Geert, Lara Keuck und Rico Hauswald (2017). "Vagueness in Psychiatry: An Overview". In: Vagueness in Psychiatry. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 3–23.
- Hauswald, Rico und Lara Keuck (2017). "Indeterminacy in Medical Classification: On Continuity, Uncertainty, and Vagueness". In: Vagueness in Psychiatry. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 93–116.
- Keuck, Lara und Allen Frances (2017). "Reflections on What is Normal, What is Not, and Fuzzy Boundaries in Psychiatric Classifications". In: Vagueness in Psychiatry. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 152–168.
- Keuck, Lara (2016). "Thinking with Gatekeepers. An Essay on Psychiatric Sources". In: Jenny Bangham und Judy Kaplan (eds.). (In)visible Labour. Knowledge Production in the Human Sciences. Preprint of the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, 107–115.
- Kutschenko, Lara K. (2012). "Relevant Similarity in the Light of Biomedical Experimentation" In: Kristin Hagen, Angelika Schnieke, Felix Thiele (eds.): Large Animals as Biomedical Models: Ethical, Societal, Legal and Biological Aspects, Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler: Europäische Akademie, 69–83.
- Keuck, L.K., S.W. Rekowski and A. te Heesen (2018). "Angewandte Geschichtswissenschaft oder Historisierung der Anwendung: Für eine Wissenschaftsgeschichte der Oral History." In: BIOS Zeitschrift für Biographieforschung, Oral History und Lebenslaufanalysen (Themenheft Oral History in der Lehre, edited by L. Apel and K. Orth) 1:35-44.
- Keuck, Lara (2018). "Diagnosing Alzheimer’s disease in Kreapelin’s clinic, 1909-1912" History of the Human Sciences 32(2):42-64.
- Keuck, Lara (2018). "History as a Biomedical Matter: Recent Reassessments of the First Cases of Alzheimer’s Disease" History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 40.
- Huber, Lara und Lara K. Keuck (2013). "Mutant Mice: Experimental Organisms as Materialised Models in Biomedicine" Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 44:385–391.
- Kutschenko, Lara K. (2012). "Diagnostic Misconceptions? A Closer Look at Clinical Research on Alzheimer's Disease" Journal of Medical Ethics 38:57–59.
- Kutschenko, Lara K. (2011). "How to Make Sense of Broadly Applied Medical Classification Systems: Introducing Epistemic Hubs" History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 33(4):583–602.
- Kutschenko, Lara K. (2011). "In Quest for ‘Good’ Medical Classification Systems" Medicine Studies 3:53–70.
- Huber, Lara und Lara K. Kutschenko (2009). "Medicine in a Neurocentric World: About the Explanatory Power of Neuroscientific Models in Medical Research and Practice (Editorial notes)" Medicine Studies 1:307–313.
- Papadopulos, A., S. Vehring, I. López-Montero, L. Kutschenko, M. Stöckl, P.F. Devaux, M. Kozlov, T. Pomorski und A. Herrmann (2007). "Flippase Activity Detected with Unlabeled Lipids by Shape Changes of Giant Unilamellar Vesicles" Journal of Biological Chemistry 282:15559–68.
Keuck, L. (2020). Video contribution on the role of history of science in the Covic-19-crisis. History of Science ON CALL: Listening, Attending, Acting. Berlin, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science (German version here).
Keuck, Lara (2017). "The Twenty-First Book Review of the Alzheimer Conundrum (Margaret Lock The Alzheimer Conundrum: Entanglements of Dementia and Aging. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 2013)" BioSocieties.
- Keuck, Lara (2017). "What is Philosophy of Medicine Good for? Review of Cornelius Borck’s Medizinphilosophie zur Einführung (Hamburg, Junius Verlag) and Interview with the Author" History of the Human Sciences Blog.
- Grote, Mathias und Lara Keuck (2015). "Conference Report ‘Stoffwechsel. Histories of metabolism’, workshop organized by Mathias Grote at Technische Universität Berlin, November 28–29th, 2014."
- History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 37:210-8. Netzwerk für Philosophie der Lebenswissenschaften (2013). "Philosophie der Lebenswissenschaften. Entwicklungen und Tendenzen." Information Philosophie 4/2013: 14–27.
- Keuck, Lara (2013). "Compte rendu: Maël Lemoine, La désunité de la médecine. Essai sur les valeurs explicatives de la science médicale, Paris, Hermann (coll. « Hermann Philosophie »), 2011" Revue philosophique de la France et de l'étranger 2013/4:594–596.