Dr. Luis Caspar Aue
- Foto
- Name
- Dr. Luis Caspar Aue
- luis.caspar.aue (at) hu-berlin.de
- Homepage
- https://www.wzb.eu/de/personen/luis-aue
Luis Aue is a postdoctoral fellow in the ERC project “Socialist Medicine. An Alternative Global Health History”. His research focuses on the history of global and international health and combines scholarship from history, political science, and science and technology studies.
He defended his doctoral thesis in political science in March 2022 at Free University Berlin. The thesis forms the basis for his current book project on the global technological history of diarrheal diseases. The book explores how “domination in the laboratory” contributed to different technological designs for the global South and North.
Aue, Luis (forthcoming): Knowledge regimes in international health politics, in Handbook of Knowledge and Expertise in International Politics, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Aue, Luis (2022): Technologischer Optimismus reicht nicht. Lehren aus dem internationalen Kampf gegen die Cholera im 19. Jahrhundert, in WZB Mitteilungen, March 2022.
Aue, Luis (2022): Inequality in Global Health Expertise – and Steps Toward a Pragmatic Critique: Advantages of a Comparative Perspective, The Global. Rethinking Global Governance blog, posted on 15 February 2022.
Aue, Luis (2020): "How Do Metrics Shape Polities? From Analogue to Digital Measurement Regimes in International Health Politics", International Political Sociology, olaa018, https://doi.org/10.1093/ips/olaa018.
Aue, Luis /Tine Hanrieder (2019): Peripheral Innovation: The Dental Therapist Movement in the US, Orders Beyond Borders blog, posted on 29 January 2019.